Review: Addicted by Amelia Betts

Note: This ARC was provided by Forever (Grand Central Publishing) via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Mischa Jones is a recent college graduate who deals with her anxieties by overindulging on food and has been attending Overeaters Anonymous meetings since she was fifteen. While going to a meeting at a new location, she mistakenly enters one that's for sufferers of sex addiction and there she comes across Liam Harrison, a hot Aussie chef with his own successful restaurant who takes notice of Mischa. Aside from her need to be connected to all things Liam, Mischa finds herself dealing with her former college professor who is a widower and has a young teenage daughter and who would probably be a safer alternative to Liam. She may be an admitted addict when it comes to food, but is Mischa beginning to be an addict when it comes to a fellow addict from Down Under, or could all of her addictions be something else altogether?

Addicted is a standalone novel from Amelia Betts and has Mischa Jones, a twenty-two-year-old Nutrition degree holder who is a bit at a loss as to what to do next with her life, waiting for things to come her way instead of actually going after them. Then she meets twentysomething Liam Harrison, an admitted sex addict and renowned chef for Australia, and while she tries to deny her growing addiction to him, it's her attraction to him that appears to be the first thing in a long time that she's actually decided to pursue in one way or another. Her life is further complicated when she then begins to indulge in thoughts and feelings centered on Julien Maxwell, a college professor her best friend has a crush on and someone she's working for while waiting for word on whether or not she'll be back in school for post-graduate studies.

Mischa is an addict, but I don't think she should be classified as a food addict. If anything, she comes off as someone who is obsessive when it comes to people and things that she believes give her the validation that she keeps looking for. Liam and Julien give her the lustful attention she thinks she doesn't warrant because of her size so she ends up smitten with them and begins to think fanciful thoughts while ignoring warning signs and plain, old reality checks. She's not someone I feel wholly sympathetic towards because she's rather self-centered and blames everyone else for her feeling of woe. Then there was all this internal monologue that just became too tedious and had me tempted to skim rather than wallow alongside Mischa and her self-inflicted misery. Addicted gets two stars because of Liam and his far more interesting story. ♥

Release Date: 13 October 2015

Date Read: 09 October 2015

Learn more about Amelia Betts here.

Pre-order Addicted on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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