Book Spotlight: Serenading Heartbreak by Ella Fields

Serenading Heartbreak
by Ella Fields
Date Released: September 27, 2019

About Serenading Heartbreak
My first love was my brother’s best friend. 

A lead singer in their band.
A picture of rugged perfection. 
And a drunk soul mate who couldn’t commit.

My second love was an arrogant baseball player.

A player in every sense of the word.
A smooth-talking, reliable best friend. 
And a chance at something beautiful and true.

The problem with having a first and second love? 
That would be loving them at the same time. 

My story isn’t some sexy triangle. 
It’s exquisite agony.

Fate gave me two men to love, 
but none of us knew which one I could keep.

Read my four-starred review of Serenading Heartbreak.

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An Excerpt from Serenading Heartbreak
We bumped into the counter and he cursed, muttering an apology as he set me on it. Removing my jacket, I could hardly breathe when his teeth sank into my lip. His hands pulled at my tank, tugging it and my bra down over my breasts.

“Fuck.” He tore his mouth away, lowering to my chest as he unzipped his jeans.

I gripped his face, needing those lips back on mine, then I reached for his waistband, shoving his jeans and briefs down.

He helped, and then pulled me right to the edge, testing my entrance with his thumb before licking the digit and pushing my panties aside. “I still have your other pair,” he said, his breath rattling as he pushed at my opening.

“Wha–oh, shit.” He rammed inside, and my head rolled.

He slammed in and out, again and again, one hand around my leg that’d been looped behind him, and the other behind my head as he bent over and hammered into me, sucking at my throat.

It’d been so long, and I felt just how long as the discomfort slowly fled and pleasure began to flood my bloodstream. “I-I think I’m coming…”

Everett chuckled, the sound dark. “You think? Clover, when I’m fucking you, you know damn well you’re coming.” Then he lifted me and spun us around until my back met the cool exterior of the fridge, magnets digging into my ass while I kept my legs wrapped tight around him.

I mumbled incoherent pleas to his tongue as it slid over mine. Our teeth clacked, his hips jerking up so fast and hard, I was on the edge and shaking for what felt like minutes. “So fucking beautiful. So fucking mine. Say it.” He reached between us to flick me into a million shattering pieces. “Say it while you come because of me.”

“Yours,” I rasped, and he held my face as he jerked and stilled, his forehead hard on mine and his breath choppy as it drifted inside my mouth.

We remained like that, eyes locked, our thundering hearts taking their time to slow and calm. His finger drifted over my cheek, and his cock softened inside me.

“You’ve wrecked me, Clover.”

About Ella Fields
Ella Fields is a mother and wife who lives in Australia.   

While her kids are in school, you might find her talking about her characters to her cat, Bert, and dog, Grub.   

She’s a notorious chocolate and notebook hoarder who enjoys creating hard-won happily ever afters.

Connect with Ella


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