Review: Weight Expectations by M.E. Carter (Cipher Office #1)

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the publisher via Social Butterfly PR.

I awaited the arrival of Weight Expectations on my tablet with weighted, erm, bated breath, and yes, my expectations were indeed high, what with this being my first read from Smartypants Romance, which is the brainchild of bestselling author Penny Reid. M.E. Carter also happens to be an author whose work I've loved on numerous occasions, so that certainly took my excitement to a higher level. Alas, this Cipher Office series starter fell short for me, and that's not something that's easy for me to say given how much I adore this author's writing.

Weight Expectations is the story of Rian Thompson, a thirty-seven-year-old single woman who's been diagnosed by her physician as being "morbidly obese" and has been directed to engage in a regular workout program, which is how she finds herself in "hell", aka the gym. She's paired up with Carlos Davies, a gym rat who's pushing forty and has no qualms of hooking up with whomever catches his fancy. Rian is definitely NOT Carlos's usual type, but he finds himself fascinated by her. All Rian was hoping for at the gym was to lose weight, not lose her heart to Carlos.

There was humor. There was heart. Unfortunately, I just didn't feel the romance going on between the main characters. I liked Rian, and I appreciated the manner in which the author chose to tackle her weight issues, something I'm very much familiar with. More often than not, the whole weight thing is clouded over with heavy doses of humor, but while M.E. Carter does include humor in this story, it's not the kind that had me laughing at Rian, instead it was about me laughing with her. She was bright and confident and was certainly inspiring at times.

The thing is, I was never a fan of Carlos's. He was full of himself and thought he was God's gift to women. Yes, he had his own share of insecurities that were revealed later in the story, but he just didn't click with me, and I didn't get what Rian saw in him other than his looks, so the connection was never made on my end. I actually thought she'd be paired with Abel, her trainer, who seemed far more deserving of someone like her and who was a great guy who was supportive of her weight loss journey. But all Rian gets is Carlos. Weight Expectations gets three stars. ♥

Date Read: 21 October 2019

Learn more about M.E. Carter.

Purchase Weight Expectations on Amazon.


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