Review: Flutter by Carrie Aarons (Nash Brothers #3)

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author.

This! Flutter is the title of the third--and latest!--Nash Brothers novel and it's my favorite one (so far)! Carrie Aarons has penned one heck of an enemies-to-lovers romance that made me realize that the thin line between love and hate people keep talking about has a name: LUST. And that line? Well, perpetual bachelor and hacker extraordinaire Forrest Nash and single mother of three and school nurse Penelope Briggs seem to have a bad habit of tripping over it, and during those lust-filled moments they have together, they have no qualms acting on all that sexual chemistry bubbling between them. When they aren't busy getting it on, however, their being the only two members in the mutual hate society they belong to is on full display for all to see. Add to that Penelope's feeling of guilt for acting on her lust, believing it to be a betrayal of sorts to the memory of her late husband, Corey, and the uneasiness over the fact that she's six years older than Forrest. But disliking each other as much as they do doesn't stop them from engaging in an enemies-with-benefits setup. It's only sex...that is, until they start catching feelings.

I absolutely fell in love with Forrest and Penelope's story! Yeah, Forrest was rather cocksure and Penelope was a tough cookie, but these two definitely had more going on behind those masks of theirs. Penelope was the widow who lost the love of her life too soon, leaving her to raise all three of their sons on her own, and Forrest was the Nash brother who was different from his three siblings, like the one who didn't quite belong no matter how much he knew his family loved him. My heart broke for Forrest because even though the guy was already in his mid-twenties, he couldn't help but still feel like the boy who was crushing on the older girl--aka Penelope--who never saw him as viable when it came to love and romance. Sigh. So while Forrest may rub a lot of people the wrong way, and he doesn't exactly come off as all warm and cuddly in the beginning, the more you get to know him in this book, the more you'll see that he truly is a great guy who loves his family mightily, protects his community, and is devoted to the first and only girl he's ever had feelings for. Does it sound like he's my favorite Nash brother? Abso-fucking-lutely, and while Penelope took a bit longer for me to like, once I got over those hurdles, I definitely loved her spirit and dedication to everything that mattered to her. Carrie Aarons so won me over with Flutter. Five stars! ♥


Read my reviews for the Nash Brothers series:

Fleeting (book one) - 4.5 stars - My Review

Forgiven (book two) - four stars - My Review

Flutter (book three) - five stars - My Review (posted above)


Release Date: 11 July 2019

Date Read: 09 July 2019

Learn more about Carrie Aarons.

Purchase Flutter on Amazon.


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