Book Spotlight: Depraved by Trilina Pucci

(Sinful #3)
by Trilina Pucci
Date Released: July 31, 2019

About Depraved
Savagery. Sin. Depravity—these are my virtues. 
My religion. 

My name is Dante Sovrano, head of the Chicago Mob, and I run this city.
Everyone bows down to me.

Except her.

The moment I saw Sarah, I knew she’d be trouble. 
She’s fiery and cutthroat, wrapped up in a lickable package. 

But there are dark secrets hiding behind those gorgeous blue eyes.

And I plan to know them all because she’ll have to make a deal with the devil to solve her problems.

Too bad the devil always takes your soul.
And I’ll be keeping it—
Because Sarah London is mine.

Read my five-starred review of Depraved.

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An Excerpt from Depraved
“You look good in my chair.”

I grin at his deep timbre and let my head fall to see him enter the office, “I feel like a boss.”

My brows give a little wiggle to accentuate my flirting.

“Mmm” he gravels as he walks toward the desk. “You wanna be the boss?”

The way he looks at me. Fuck. Like he’s stripping me bare down to exactly where he wants me, it makes every part of my body light up.

“Yeah.” I purr, rubbing my crossed ankle up my other leg slowly and then back down.

Dante sits against the desk, pressing a finger against the paper I’m tracing and pulls it until it’s too far for me to touch. He pulls it up, folding and putting it in his pocket.

“What would you order first? And remember, you have to be specific or shit gets lost in translation.”

He might be letting me take the reins, but we both know that in this game, Dante always runs the show. Just the way I like it.

“Take off your shirt.” I level, tilting my head and biting my lip.

He reaches over his shoulder and drags the t-shirt off his body, smirking as he does, tossing it onto the chair next to him.

Fuck, he really is gorgeous. My eyes take in all the colorful swirls and patterns on his hard chest and arms. His body alone is intimidating but it’s the accessory to his intention. That’s what really makes him the man he is.

“You like what you see.” he states, appreciating the compliment my eyes are giving him.

“I was just thinking that tattoos make good men look dangerous.”

His head lifts as his thumb skims across his lip, “I am fucking dangerous. So, what do they make me?”


About Trilina Pucci

Trilina Pucci is an author, wife, and mama to three rowdy kiddos. When she isn't making grilled cheese sandwiches, she can be found writing saucy novels that titillate and excite her readers.

Pucci’s journey started impulsively. She wanted to check off a box on her bucket list. But what began as fulfillment has become incredibly fulfilling. And now she can’t see her life without her characters, her readers and this community.

She currently resides in Northern California with her Italian stallion and her feral children, where the days are slow and easy and wine pours are heavy. (Just kidding…maybe.)

Connect with Trilina


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