Review: Like Father Like Son by Leigh Lennon (Father/Son #1)

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Give Me Books Promotions.

Like Father Like Son is the first book in the Father/Son duet from Leigh Lennon, who is a new-to-me author. This is basically the story of two people who lose the most important person in their lives and go on to find comfort--and possibly even more--with each other. The two people here are Maguire Parrish, a forty-year-old car restoration business owner living in California and hoping his only son is safe while serving in the military, and Holland Parrish, a twenty-one-year-old promising designer waiting in North Carolina for her husband to return home from deployment. He was a father and she was a wife, and their worlds were shattered upon learning that twenty-two-year-old Scott Jameson Parrish was killed in action. Thrown together by grief and a promise needing to be kept, Maguire take Holly to California, but when responsibility and care begin to shift to lust and love, everything between them changes. As if life wasn't complicated enough, a new development adds yet another issue for them.

Sigh. When I first read the blurb for this, it sounded something write up my alley. I love romance books that push the boundaries when it comes to matters of the heart, so a story involving a father-in-law who falls for his late son's widow was one I was more than open to. Unfortunately, this book fell way short of my expectations--and with the author being someone whose writing I'd never encountered before, I kept said expectations realistic yet hopeful. My issue was that I never felt any sort of connection between Maguire and Holland, which, for this genre in general and this story in particular, was a basic requirement. I felt as if they were being pushed together and put into these situations to make me believe that something was developing between them, but yeah, I simply wasn't feeling it. I tried. I really, really, REALLY tried to fall in love with this book. However, just like the two main characters here didn't choose to fall in love with each other, I didn't choose to not love this book. But as much as this romance turned out to not be the book I hoped it would be, I am scheduled to read the second one in the duet, so fingers crossed it's a step above book one. Like Father Like Son (this really needs a comma) gets 2.5 stars. ♥

Release Date: 25 July 2019

Date Read: 24 July 2019

Learn more about Leigh Lennon.

Purchase Like Father Like Son on Amazon.


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