Review: It Wasn't Me by Lani Lynn Vale (KPD Motorcycle Patrol #2)
Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Wildfire Marketing Solutions.
Lani Lynn Vale takes readers back to the town of Kilgore, Texas with her second novel in the KPD Motorcycle Patrol series. It Wasn't Me, however, starts off in Germany, where Piper Mackenzie has said goodbye to her career as an army nurse in order to head back to the US to be by her father's side after he was involved in a terrible accident that led to major injuries. Before she can even get on the plane, however, a hot, shirtless mechanic attracts her before making a badly timed joke about the plane crashing. He makes up for it by sitting beside her and comforting her by holding her hand and distracting her with conversation. It turns out that Jonah Crew is headed to the same place Piper is: Kilgore, Texas, the hometown they both share. The connection between the two was strong, but they went their separate ways nonetheless. The next time they meet is when he rescues her from a car mishap--one that was brought about by him chasing his cat across the road. But it's the third time that proves to be the charm. A car show they both have tickets for in Vegas, the wedding capital of the country? What happens in Vegas will follow Jonah and Piper all the way back to Kilgore, and life is about to get even more interesting for these two.
This was such an adorable read! Who would have thought that grumpy Jonah, who I got a glimpse of in the first book, Hide Your Crazy, would be as sweet as the man readers get to know better here? And I'm thrilled that the last Mackenzie sister has finally found her own happily-ever-after, and Piper proved to be just as interesting as her twin, Pru, and younger sister, Phoebe. Jonah and Piper were such an interesting couple from the beginning, and I loved seeing how their lives intertwined and how it seemed as if Fate was throwing them together time and again. There's also a bit of a mystery that's thrown into the mix, and while the idea of who was doing it and their motivation behind it was clear in my head, I was still curious to find out their actual identity and how they would get caught. The humor was quintessentially Lani Lynn Vale all the way around and seeing Jonah and Piper falling in love and making a life together left me with a smile on my face. It Wasn't Me easily gets 4.5 stars out of five stars. ♥
This was such an adorable read! Who would have thought that grumpy Jonah, who I got a glimpse of in the first book, Hide Your Crazy, would be as sweet as the man readers get to know better here? And I'm thrilled that the last Mackenzie sister has finally found her own happily-ever-after, and Piper proved to be just as interesting as her twin, Pru, and younger sister, Phoebe. Jonah and Piper were such an interesting couple from the beginning, and I loved seeing how their lives intertwined and how it seemed as if Fate was throwing them together time and again. There's also a bit of a mystery that's thrown into the mix, and while the idea of who was doing it and their motivation behind it was clear in my head, I was still curious to find out their actual identity and how they would get caught. The humor was quintessentially Lani Lynn Vale all the way around and seeing Jonah and Piper falling in love and making a life together left me with a smile on my face. It Wasn't Me easily gets 4.5 stars out of five stars. ♥
Read my reviews for the KPD Motorcycle Patrol series:
Hide Your Crazy (book one) - four stars - My Review
It Wasn't Me (book two) - 4.5 stars - My Review (posted above)
Date Read: 01 June 2019
Learn more about Lani Lynn Vale.
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