Review: Brighton by J.D. Light (Training Days #2)

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via LesCourt ARC Team.

J.D. Light is back with the second book in the Training Days series, and this time around, the friends-to-lovers trope focuses on best friends Brighton Walker and Knox Green. Besties for about two years, the dance student turned yoga instructor has the power lifter's back--literally! Brighton isn't exactly a fan of walking--which kinda makes his last name ironic--but Knox doesn't mind giving the guy a lift--which is really quite perfect since he's, you know, a weightlifter and all. Plus, Knox is just that good of a friend, so of course, when Brighton is basically informed by his aunt that he's being kicked out of the place where he's been staying, Knox steps in and offers his extra room. But close quarters and hidden crushes are about to make things quite interesting between these two best of friends...

Brighton was a sweet romance about two best friends who've had a thing for each other from the moment they met but whose doubts and hesitation had them becoming friends instead of asking one another out from the get-go. I liked that Brighton brought out both the protective and the more lighthearted sides of Knox. They had an easygoing friendship, and while Knox literally carrying Brighton on his back because the latter did not like walking unless absolutely necessary was a tad...unconventional...I did like that they seemed to be there for each other through everything. This story had little to no angst, and while I do love me my angst, I can more than appreciate that this book didn't need it at all. This quickie of a read gets four stars and has me looking forward to book three! ♥


Read my reviews for the Training Days series:

Chandler (book one) - 4.5 stars - My Review

Brighton (book two) - four stars - My Review (posted above)


Date Read: 31 May 2019

Learn more about J.D. Light.

Purchase Brighton on Amazon.


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