Review: Save the Date by Monica Murphy (Dating #1)
Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Social Butterfly PR.
Talk about one heck of an adorable read! Gah! Most of the Monica Murphy books I've read had a heavier feel to them because I do love me some angst, but I would never say "no" to lighter fare from this author, and I'm glad I didn't because Save the Date delivered some much needed sunshiny happiness on a day that I was dealing with an ear infection that basically had me stuck in bed from the afternoon onward. This story has a stationer named Caroline Abbott, and part of her job working in a stationery store is helping clients with invitations, cards, and the like. Since weddings and engagements are among the most popular life events that require more personalized stationery items, Caroline has definitely come across her fair share of bridezillas, so the latest one shouldn't be too tough to handle. And then she meets the groom-to-be, Alexander Wilder, who turns out to be the same Alex who gave Caroline her first kiss, one that she's never forgotten. She had no idea the turn of events awaiting them once she catches Alex's fiancée cheating on him or what happens next when Alex has his very own proposal for Caroline.
This series starter was every bit the lighthearted romance that I hoped for it to be. Caroline and Alex's story made me smile and there were points in the book that I couldn't help but laugh at the stuff that was happening to either and both of them. With a second-chance romance feel to it, it's almost as if fate is basically getting around to bringing these two together finally, but who could have predicted all of the stuff that had to happen for them to get from that very first kiss they shared to actually being an honest-to-goodness couple? Naturally, you're not going to get any complaints from me, not when all those events proved to be oh-so-entertaining. The book also happens to have a cast of secondary characters that I'm hoping will be getting their own shot at happily-ever-afters as the series moves forward. Fingers crossed those'll be as good as Caroline and Alex's. 4.5 stars for Save the Date. ♥
Date Read: 28 June 2019
Learn more about Monica Murphy.
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