Review: Kavanagh Christmas by Sarah Robinson (Kavanagh Legends #5)

Note: This ARC was provided Season Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Kavanagh Christmas is a holiday novella and the final novel in the Kavanagh Legends series created by Sarah Robinson. From the family patriarch and matriarch, Seamus and Dee, respectively, to their children, their significant others, and any children they may already have--Rory and Clare plus Murphy and Brontë; Kieran and Fiona plus Shea, Gavin, and a daughter on the way; Kane and his girlifriend, Nora Hannigan; Quinn and Kiera; Jimmy and his girlfriend, Sophie Conroy, plus Sophie's daughter, Ava; and Casey and her boyfriend, Flynn Gallagher--we've got the whole clan facing whatever issue are sprung upon them during the Christmas season, and how they try to hurdle each and every single one on their own, only to realize that they've always been strongest together.

The four eldest brothers got their own stories in the series, leaving youngest brother Jimmy and their cousin slash adopted sister Casey the only ones who never really got their time in the stoplight. Fans and readers of the series, however, will be happy to know that every single one does get their own happily-ever-after. However, just like in real life, not everything goes as planned, and each adult Kavanagh has a challenge or two thrown their way in this novella. I think that among all of the couples, it was what Rory and Clare had to face as parents that was probably the most trying. That being said, however, Clare's attitude towards her mother-in-law made very little sense, especially since the cold behavior appeared to be targeted only at Dee and no one else. Her decision--which Rory supported--to not say anything about what they were going through came off as more isolating than anything else.

Each chapter in this book focuses on one particular couple, and I liked that we get EVERYONE in the Kavanagh family. There's a lot of celebration, but there are a number of heartrending moments in the book as well, two of which actually brought a tear to my eye. With everything that this family goes through, what's highlighted by the end of it all is that they're exactly that--a family, one that comes together in good and bad times. If you're a fan of the Kavanagh Legends series, you're going to want to read this Christmas novella, especially if you'd like to see where each Kavanagh sibling is at in their lives a few years after the end of Chasing a Legend. With the holidays not too far away, Kavanagh Christmas could well be one you may want to check out. I'm giving it four out of five stars. ♥


Read my reviews for the Kavanagh Legends series:

Breaking a Legend (book one) - four stars - My Review
Saving a Legend (book two) - 4.5 stars - My Review
Becoming a Legend (book three) - 4.5 stars - My Review
Rory & Clare (short story) - 3.5 stars - My Review
Chasing a Legend (book four) - five stars - My Review
Kavanagh Christmas (book five) - four stars - My Review (posted above)


Release Date: 07 November 2017

Date Read: 05 November 2017

Learn more about Sarah Robinson.

Purchase Kavanagh Christmas on Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


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