Review: Doggie Style by Piper Rayne (Dirty Truth #2)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Enticing Journey Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

I'd been looking forward to reading Doggie Style ever since I learned it was going to be about Leo Vaughn, former aspiring actor turned Etsy success story turned Canine Couture owner. Leo is all about dogs and me being the dog lover that I am--yes, fictional dogs count, too!--I was itching to find out what Leo's story was and how he transitioned from being someone who wanted to make it big in show business to someone who owned his boutique and grooming salon for dogs. The fact that he designs and hand-makes these doggy outfits added an even more interesting dimension to the man. Of course, put all that together with him keeping mum about his personal life, and you had yourself someone who became fodder for gossip as well as some preconceived notions, the most whispered about being his sexuality. And Leo? The guy couldn't care less about any single gossipy bit of it.

With Canine Couture having a solid and loyal following, Leo knows the next step would be creating more buzz about it in order to bring in newer clients. Enter Teegan Lowery, public relations consultant and owner of the brand spankin' new Lowery Relations. Leo, however, is unsure if he and Teegan are a good fit. He's laid-back; she's high-strung. He loves dogs; she doesn't. The only thing that worries Teegan is the fact that Leo is hot. As in distractingly so. But then, she's pretty sure they wouldn't be a good fit. She wants to be his PR consultant; he's pushing for a trial period. She's straight; he isn't. Well, at least that's what her best friend tells her, as do a host of other people who seem to have more reliable gaydars than she does. So, the best thing to do is for her to keep her eye on the prize. But why does she get the feeling that he's flirting with her? Could it be possible that, maybe, Leo isn'!

The whole is-he-or-isn't-he-gay part of the story line started off really strongly, but I confess that after a while, it did have me a tad peeved since there were all these presumptions made about Leo simply because he loved to design and sew clothing. And yeah, maybe had he taken a second or two to clarify when people made comments about him being gay, then there wouldn't have been all that confusion. Still, I think had Teegan wanted some clarity, she could have just asked the guy if he was or wasn't gay. However, the story wasn't JUST about the whole confusion about Leo's sexuality, and I did enjoy most of the book. Can I just say, though, that I really, really, REALLY hope that Jagger's story will have me changing my mind about the guy? After two books, I find myself wanting to smack him, but I'm guessing there's a reason why he is the way he is. Fingers crossed! 4.5 stars go to Doggie Style. ♥


Read my reviews for the Dirty Truth series:

The Manny - five stars - My Review

Doggie Style - 4.5 stars - My Review (posted above)


Release Date: 20 November 2017

Date Read: 18 November 2017

Learn more about Piper Rayne.

Purchase Doggie Style on Amazon.


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