Book Spotlight: Infamous by Jenny Holiday

(Famous #2)
by Jenny Holiday
Date Released: November 27, 2017

About Infamous
All that up-and-coming musician Jesse Jamison has ever wanted is to be on the cover of Rolling Stone. When a gossip website nearly catches him kissing someone who isn’t his famous girlfriend—and also isn’t a girl—he considers the near miss a wake-up call. There’s a lot riding on his image as the super-straight rocker, and if he wants to realize his dreams, he’ll need to toe the line. Luckily, he’s into women too. Problem solved.

After a decade pretending to be his ex’s roommate, pediatrician Hunter Wyatt is done hiding. He might not know how to date in the Grindr world, how to make friends in a strange city, or whether his new job in Toronto is a mistake. But he does know that no one is worth the closet. Not even the world’s sexiest rock star.

As Jesse’s charity work at Hunter’s hospital brings the two closer together, a bromance develops. Soon, Hunter is all Jesse can think about. But when it comes down to a choice between Hunter and his career, he’s not sure he’s brave enough to follow his heart.

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An Excerpt from Infamous
“Come to the cottage this weekend.”

“What?” Hunter blinked, almost startled back to standing by the invitation. Jesse had a cottage in the Prince Edward County region east of Toronto. He and the band spent most summer weekends there. There was a small, makeshift studio on site, and to hear it told, they would noodle around on songs there and then come back to the city to record them properly. “But isn’t the cottage kind of a remote studio for you guys? Like a working weekend?”
“Yeah, but you won’t be in our way.” When Hunter didn’t answer right away, Jesse added, “Think about it. What you’ve said you’re looking for with the whole move to Toronto is a new start. What anyone with half a brain—and by that, I mean Avery and not me—can see is that you’re working yourself into the ground. And you just said you’re sick of the same old, same old. Come along this weekend. Get out of the city. Out of your head.”

It did sound tempting. A lot more appealing than pretending to be interested in the Maple Leafs and being on the emotional roller coaster of Tinder.

“There’s no wi-fi,” Jesse went on. “And questionable cell reception. Half the time you have to walk out to the main road to get a signal.”

“Wow. Total disconnection.” Hunter couldn’t remember the last time he’d done that. Had he ever done that? And he wasn’t on call this weekend, so he could actually get away with it.

“Yeah. Everyone kind of putters around doing their own thing—which for the guys mostly means staying up late partying and sleeping in. But you can swim. There’s a canoe. You know, the whole cottage deal.” The way he was waving his hands animatedly as he spoke, Hunter could tell how much he loved the place. “We do some writing and some studio time as the mood strikes. That’s part of why I started dragging the guys up with me. It gets everyone kind of on the edge of boredom. Forces creativity.”

Just like he sometimes forgot Jesse was famous, Hunter also sometimes forgot Jesse had an entire life outside of their dinners together and his visits to the hospital. Hunter had never met the other guys in Jesse’s band. He’d never met anyone in Jesse’s life. Jesse existed as a self-contained unit.

He wondered about the others. He’d seen them in the band’s videos and sometimes when they were interviewed as a group. Hunter was nothing if not exhaustive about his YouTube stalking, so he knew their names. He knew what they looked like—rock stars. They all had that same tousled, hard, rocker look that Jesse personified.

“Is it going to be weird that I’m . . .” He made a vague gesture toward himself. He was wearing his standard work uniform. His job didn’t require scrubs, and he was old-school—he still believed in presenting oneself smartly and professionally—so he wore a shirt and tie under the white coat he kept in his office. But today’s combination of a purple-and-white gingham shirt and a pink-and-navy striped tie, while liable to land him on any list of the city’s best-dressed doctors, didn’t exactly scream, Hi, I’m a straight manly man who’s good at waterskiing and starting bonfires!

“That you’re what? A doctor? Not at all. You can save Billy from alcohol poisoning.”

“No, that I’m . . .” God. Was he twelve? Hunter was comfortably, firmly out in pretty much all circumstances.

Except, apparently, at Jesse and the Joyride nature weekend.

“A neat freak?” Jesse smirked and raised his eyebrows. “Nah. They won’t even notice. You, on the other hand, should probably pack some tranquilizers for yourself because by the end of the weekend . . . Well, let’s just say I have a regular cleaning service.”

Jesse was teasing. It felt . . . good. And Hunter appreciated the hell out of the implied message that his sexuality wasn’t going to be a thing.

And in case the implication had been too subtle, Jesse followed it with, “Hey. We’re modern men. And it’s my cottage. You’re my friend. Anyone who has a problem with you can fuck right off.”

A Note from Jenny Holiday
Hello! I’m Jenny and I’m happy to be here to celebrate the release of Infamous. Infamous is book two in the Famous series, which mixes m/f and m/m romance. (And mixes famous musicians and regular people!) In Infamous, Jesse, our resident bad-boy rock star has to decide if he’s willing to risk his career to be with Hunter, a doctor he’s rapidly falling for. I hope you enjoy it!

About Jenny Holiday
Jenny Holiday started writing in fourth grade, when her aging-hippie teacher, between Pete Seeger songs, gave the kids notebooks and told them to write stories. Jenny’s featured poltergeist, alien invasions, or serial killers who managed to murder everyone except her and her mom. She showed early promise as a romance writer, though, because nearly every story had a happy ending: fictional Jenny woke up to find that the story had been a dream, and that her best friend, father, and sister had not, in fact, been axe-murdered. Today she is a USA Today bestselling author of historical and contemporary romance. She lives in London, Ontario.

Connect with Jenny

To celebrate the release of Infamous, one lucky winner will receive a $20 Amazon gift card! Leave a comment with your contact info to enter the contest. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on December 2, 2017. Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. Thanks for following the tour, and don’t forget to leave your contact info! 

Follow the Infamous blog tour.


  1. Thanks for the excerpt!
    jlshannon74 at

  2. Thank you for the excerpt. It sounds like quite the read.
    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

  3. Thanks for the excerpt!
    legacylandlisa at gmail dot com

  4. Thanks for the excerpt, I can't wait to read it.

  5. Congratulations on the new book!
    annmarief115 @ gmail . com

  6. thanks for the excerpt, the book sounds great.
    heath0043 at gmail dot com

  7. Congrats, Jenny, and thanks for the excerpt. This sounds like a great debut M/M novel - what with the two caring guys, bisexuality, closet and slow burn. - Purple Reader,
    TheWrote [at] aol [dot] com


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