Audio Review: Replay by Amy Daws, narrated by Will Watt & Paula Costello

Note: The audiobook was provided by the author.

Just when you think Amy Daws is done with her Harris Brothers book universe, she pulls another must-listen-to story out of her bottomless hat! Narrated by the always fabulous Will Watt and new-to-my-ears Paulo Costello, Daws offers listeners Replay, which is Santino Rossi and Tilly Logan's story. Those familiar with Daws's work, particularly this book world, will recognize said main characters. That being said, you don't necessarily need to listen to anything prior to listening to this. But hey, do your ears a favor and listen to them anyway because they're quite awesome. 

This had major second-chance romance vibes, although Santino and Tilly weren't exactly what you would call in a committed relationship prior to their parting. Think more no-strings-attached. My heart broke for these two when it came to their respective back stories, which allows listeners a better understanding as to how they've evolved into the the individuals they are and with hopes they can become an even stronger couple this time around. The narrators did justice to the author's writing. I knew what to expect from Daws as a writer and Watt as a narrator, but Costello was new to me. I'm happy to report, though, that she was great as Tilly, and she worked well with Watt as a narrating partner. All in all, Replay gave me everything I could hope for in a romance audiobook. Five stars for the story, and five stars for the performance, which leaves us with an average rating of five stars for Replay. Bring on the next Harris Brothers book world audio!

Date Listened to: 09 May 2021

Learn more about Amy Daws.

Learn more about Will Watt and Paula Costello.

Purchase Replay on Audible.


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