Review: Parallel by Elizabeth O'Roark (Parallel #1)

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Give Me Books Promotions.

Oh my... This book was such a different read from my more recent ones, and I mean that in the best way possible. That's not to say, however, that those recent reads of mine were terrible, but what I am trying to point out is that Parallel, the first novel in the duet by the same name and my first-ever read from Elizabeth O'Roark, wasn't my usual fare. I more than appreciated the touch of originality and creative O'Roark put into this romance, leaving me in awe and impressed with her writing while also dumbfounded as to what would happen next in the second book.

Nick Reilly is a neurologist whose conclusions are based on research and fact, but he can't quite explain his newest patient. Quinn Stewart is a woman he's never met before, but she claims that they know each other--not merely as friends but as husband and wife. There's simply no way that could be true. But if Nick were truly honest with himself, he would admit that somehow, he knows her, too. Quinn's dreams reveal piece by piece the life they once shared, but are the dreams fantastical concoctions of her mind or could they be actual memories of her with Nick?

From the author's writing style to the story and characters themselves, I'd be hard-pressed to find some horrendous error or shortcoming with this series starter. Sure, that cliffhanger ending has me all antsy for the second book, but the wait isn't overly long and my high expectations for it are based on simply how impeccable this first one was. Nick and Quinn's story continues to have me on the edge of my seat, and wherever Elizabeth O'Roark's takes this next, I'll just be glad to be along for the rest of this enthralling ride. I'm giving Parallel 4.5 stars. ♥

Release Date: 13 June 2019

Date Read: 13 June 2019

Learn more about Elizabeth O'Roark.

Purchase Parallel on Amazon.


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