Review: Playing for Keeps by Kendall Ryan (Hot Jocks #1)

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author.

Released as an Audible Original a couple of months--i.e. released as an audiobook first and exclusively available on Audible and narrated by Jason Clarke and Virginia Rose AND one of my favorite Kendall Ryan audiobooks ever--Playing for Keeps is now being published as an eBook and paperback and it's available on major e-retailers. This also happens to be the first--and what a fabulous start it turned out to be--in Ryan's Hot Jocks sports romance series featuring the players on a professional hockey team and the women who change their lives. Did I forget to mention that this also my current favorite Kendall Ryan-penned book? Loved the audiobook; now love the eBook!

This series starter brings with it the falling-for-your-best-friend's-sibling trope. Twenty-eight-year-old Justin Brady has never had a problem finding a puck bunny to share his bed with for a few hours, but he's taken a break from the meaningless hookups. His sole focus is hockey and all his dedication and hard work pays off when his team wins the championship. After a night of celebrating, he finds himself in bed with the one woman he should have been keeping his distance from: Elise Parrish, his best friend's twenty-three-year-old sister. Pretending it never happened can only work for so long, especially when Justin realizes that what he truly wants with Elise if for keeps.

I loved the connection that Elise and Justin shared from the very beginning. It was obvious that they already had a good friendship between them, but the fact that they had both been secretly crushing on one another for years made the romance part of the story almost inevitable. Naturally, the complication with regards to Owen, Elise's older brother and Justin's best friend and teammate, was one thing, but Kendall Ryan didn't take the easy route and make that the sole hurdle these two had to overcome. They needed to transition into a different relationship and evolve as together and individually while fighting for the love they had. Playing for Keeps was a five-star read. ♥

Release Date: 13 August 2019

Date Read: 13 August 2019

Learn more about Kendall Ryan.

Purchase Playing for Keeps on Amazon | Apple Books | B&N | Kobo.


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