Review: The Candle Palace by Devney Perry (Jamison Valley #6)

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author.

“No more crying, okay? I can't take it.” 
“I'll try.” She gave me a small smile. “Is that just a guy thing? Not being able to see a girl cry.” 
“No.” I ran my index finger up and over the hills of her knuckles. “I can handle tears. Just not yours.”

You know how they say that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover? Well, you shouldn't judge it by its length either (and no sexual innuendo meant there...well, maybe...). Just when everyone thought the Jamison Valley series came to a close after five full-length novels, Devney Perry returns to the small Montana town of Prescott to share one final love story. The Candle Palace may "only" be novella in length, but the story waiting for readers--whether you're a fan of and familiar with the Jamison Valley series or are either new to the author or have yet to venture into the series--is one that's bound to not just satisfy any romance reader but to leave a lasting impression.

The Candle Palace is the story of twenty-three-year-old Sara Foster, a nurse with the burn unit of Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane, Washington. Upon her arrival from a week-long vacation, Sara learns that a new patient has been admitted--Milo Phillips, a twenty-six-year-old cop from Prescott, Montana. With most of his body covered in burns ranging from first- to third-degree, Milo has a long and painful road of healing ahead, but amidst all the darkness he feels surrounding him, he finds a spark of light in the form of the nurse who's never far from his side. But when lives intersect and lines are crossed, will Sara's and Milo's feelings shine brightly or end up snuffed out?

With two highly likable main characters and an inspiring story of finding love while facing personal adversity, this book was everything a love story should be, and yes, it does have a beautiful happily-ever-after. There are countless books that are part of a series and touted as standalones but then you end up feeling like you've missed something if you never read the previous books. With The Candle Palace, however, you can truly jump right in without having read any of the other Jamison Valley novels and not be hit with that feeling of cluelessness. I should know--I have yet to read the first five books, although I do have three of them already waiting in my tablet.

Having read Devney Perry before, I already knew I had nothing to worry about in terms of the quality of writing, yet this author never fails to still take my breath away with every new romantic tale she weaves. It was easy to fall in love with Milo and Sara and even easier to be drawn into their story and be so invested that even though you know they end up together, you get all the feels and le sigh moments. Through the trials and triumphs of Milo and Sara's story, Perry never gives her readers reason to worry these two will not end up happily. They aren't perfect individuals and neither is their relationship, but they are perfect together. Five-plus stars go to The Candle Palace. ♥

Release Date: 20 August 2019

Date Read: 19 August 2019

Learn more about Devney Perry.

Purchase The Candle Palace on Amazon | Apple Books | B&N | Kobo.


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