Review: Prince Roman by CD Reiss (Hackers and Coders #1.5)

Note: This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

If you were able to read CD Reiss's King of Code, the first in a series of standalones set in the world of information technology, you would have come across Raven Crosby, human resources manager at QI4, which also happens to be the same place where she had a year-long, no-strings-attached affair with her boss. When she decides to resign and work at Neuronet as the new vice president of HR systems, she knows it's a step in the right direction. Work needs to be her sole focus, refusing to fall in to the same trap when it came to becoming intimately entangled with someone in the same company. Fate, however, immediately throws temptation her way in the form of Roman Bianchi, part of a law firm brought in to audit the company's benchmarking system. It would be so much easier for Raven to avoid her attraction to Roman if the feeling wasn't so damned mutual and if the guy learned to back off instead of reminding her just how enticing it would be if she allowed herself to break her own rules. He's gorgeous, smart, and happens to be proud of how much of a nerd he is. Is someone like Roman worth Raven taking a risk on?

I enjoyed King of Code, and I was certainly looking forward to seeing if the irrepressible Raven Crosby can snag herself a happily-ever-after, too. Raven has proven herself to be the kind of female main character who may have a thing for her male counterpart, but she's definitely not going to hand herself over perfectly gift-wrapped with a bow attached. She knows she needs to keep her priorities in check, having learned her lesson with her previous liaison. Sure, we all know she's going to give in to the temptation that is Roman, but if there's anything this story highlights, it's that Roman has just as much to lose as Raven should word get out about them having inter-office, erm, relations. I'm probably going to get some raised eyebrows by saying this, but it was Roman who won me over in this novella. He was NOT what I was expecting, and I mean that in a good way. The guy proved to be a revelation in awesomeness, especially with what he did at the end. Sigh. The title threw me off, as did the synopsis. FYI, Roman is not an actual prince. Maybe it was a play on the King of Code. Either way, four stars go to Prince Roman. ♥


Read my reviews for the Hackers and Coders series:

King of Code (book one) - five stars - My Review

Prince Roman (novella) - four stars - My Review (posted above)


Release Date: 07 November 2017

Date Read: 03 November 2017

Learn more about CD Reiss.

Purchase Prince Roman on Amazon.


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