Review: Unsaid by Avery Aster (The Manhattanites #3)

Note: This ARC was provided by Book Enthusiast Promotions via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Blake Morgan III's divorce has been finalized and the last thing he wants is to get into another committed relationship. He was hurt and burned badly during his time with his ex, but his best friends believe it's time for him to go after everything he's fantasized about but never got fulfilled. His list of Seven Desires is something Miguel Santana, one of his best friends, can most definitely help him out with. After all, he's been in love with Blake for over a decade and was heartbroken when Blake married someone else. Miguel's got his list of Seven Needs but while Blake trusts Miguel with his body, can he trust Miguel with his heart and give his best friend the one thing he's wanted for ten years--Blake's complete love and commitment?

Unsaid is the third novel in Avery Aster's The Manhattanites series, the first two of which I read in August 2013 when the author asked me to review them and quite enjoyed. Here we have Blake Morgan III, the third member of the original group of Manhattanites, trying to move forward after his five-year marriage ends in divorce. Those closest to him never liked his ex and believed his best friend, artist Miguel Santana, would have been more perfect for him. Unbeknownst to Blake, Miguel's been in love with him for ten years and with a bit of prodding from their other friends, Miguel agrees to help Blake check all seven items on his list of fantasies and desires. This is a friends-to-lovers romance with a lot of humor and kinkiness.

Blake is the guy who's always believed in being in a loving and committed relationship, something he thought he'd have with his ex, while Miguel moved from guy to guy, not being in love with any of them. After his divorce, Blake is resistant to the idea of entering yet another relationship and wants time to explore his sexuality. Miguel may seem like the best candidate but Miguel also wants to be in a relationship with him, what with Blake being the only guy Miguel's been in love with. So, with the change in Blake's circumstances, Miguel appears to finally see it as his opportunity to have what he's always wanted, but now Blake isn't interested, what with having lived with five lonely years of disappointment.

Aside from Blake and Miguel's story, we also have Lex Easton and Massimo Tittoni's impending nuptials as well as other interesting developments in the lives of Taddy Brill and Vive Farnworth. Blake's secret regarding his ex was a surprising one and it brought to mind a story I recall seeing on the news a few years ago. One of the things I enjoy most about this series and the set of prequel novellas entitled The Undergrad Years, is that there's always humor involved, even when the characters are faced with dire circumstances. They're sometimes crude but always frankly honest and there's no doubting their love and loyalty for each other. Unsaid is an addition to The Manhattanites that was worth the wait. Four stars. ♥

Release Date: 02 September 2015

Date Read: 02 September 2015

Learn more about Avery Aster here.

Purchase Unsaid on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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