Review: Crazy About Cameron by Katy Regnery (The Winslow Brothers #3)

Note: This ARC was provided by RockStar Lit PR in exchange for an honest review.

Margaret Story has no clue that her upstairs neighbor and childhood friend Cameron Winslow has had dirty librarian-type fantasies about her for quite some time, nor does she have any idea that he had a crush on her when they were younger. As far as she can tell, Cam can't stand to be around her and has a habit of trying to annoy her by calling her "Meggie". He's hot-headed and she's buttoned-up, a combination that may not make much sense but whatever's going on between them is clearly more than physical. With both their lives in transition, will they be able to make a crazy commitment to one another?

Crazy About Cameron is bestselling author Katy Regnery's third story about The Winslow Brothers and is the ninth book in the umbrella series that is Blueberry Lane. The timeline here overlaps with the first two stories and culminates with the wedding of Alex English and Jessica Winslow, whose love story is found in Anyone But Alex (book three of The English Brothers and in the Blueberry Lane series). Cameron, third in the Winslow brood, and Margaret's, second eldest among the Story sisters, romance brings together two families that grew up together on Blueberry Lane, alongside the Englishes, Rousseaus, and Amblers.

I have yet to read the books about The English Brothers but have read the three currently available books in The Winslow Brothers series and don't feel too lost (although I do have plans of reading the first series, hopefully before the Marrying Mr. English novella comes out). Cameron and Margaret have known each other since they were children but had several years of separation after Cam's father suddenly passed away. Now that they're older, Cam still teases Meggie a great deal while keeping his distance, due in large part to his feelings for her and acknowledging that she's involved with someone else, a fact that irks him.

How cute is it to have someone who had a crush on you when you were kids fall in love with you when you were adults? I love stories like this because there's a history there that you can't find in other romance tropes, not even second chance romances which tend to be limited in scope to the history when the couple first fell in love. But the story isn't limited to the cutesy parts because there's a lot of heart when it comes to the family interactions Cam and Meggie have with their siblings and Meggie's relationship with her father is quite heartrending. There's also a bit of suspense though the perpetrators are pretty easy to spot.

One of the most important things of note about this book was choosing between continuing a family legacy and starting your own. Both Cam and Meggie were faced with having to make important life choices after having worked for years in their family-owned companies but no longer finding the satisfaction they once had. There is no denying the pull these characters have when it comes to their respective families, but sometimes, the decision of taking a step back and surrounding yourself with supportive and accepting people who become your new family is one that needs to be made. Crazy About Cameron gets five stars. ♥

Release Date: 22 September 2015

Date Read: 22 September 2015

Learn more about Katy Regnery here.

Purchase Crazy About Cameron on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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