Review: Hard to Come By by Laura Kaye (Hard Ink #3)

Derek DiMarzio may have lost part of his right leg in the ambush that changed his life and the lives of his Special Forces teammates in Afghanistan, but he never lost the ability to focus on the good in himself and in other people. His life has gone after the less-than-honorable discharge they received, but being back with what remains of their team is giving them a chance to right the wrongs from a year ago. When information on an important player in the conspiracy leads them to the man's sister, Derek gets close to her so as to provide a distraction and to learn if Emilie Garza is involved in her brother's activities. His instincts tell him that she's innocent but trusting her is something that doesn't come easy, especially after everything her brother and his associates did to Derek and the team. But there's no resisting the woman that's coming to mean a great deal to him even if her learning the truth about him may cost him her love.

Hard to Come By is the third full-length novel and the fourth release in the bestselling Hard Ink series by Laura Kaye. Derek "Marz" DiMarzio has always been a beacon of sorts for the rest of his teammates, his story inspiring them to be better and move forward. He's a computer whiz and has a good sense of humor, but you can't help but wonder what the rest of his story is like, the one before he was in the military and before he lost part of his leg. He gets along with everyone in his group but his relationship with his best friend, Beckett Murda, is strained and, of course, it stems from what happened to them in Afghanistan. Derek is such a great guy, to the point that he does feel bad about having to lie to Emilie Garza, but his reasons are more than understandable. They fit quite well together but she is one of his enemies' sister, and the beginning of their relationship is based on a set of untruths because there was no other choice.

Derek is one of my favorite characters in the series and he's always been a voice of reason in the Hard Ink group. When he falls for Emilie, it almost seems unfair that there's an element of distrust that pops in and out on both their ends. Emilie learning the truth, not just about who Derek is and how he came to be in her life, but the activities of her brother Manny is heartrending and how she handles the one involving her brother makes you wonder what you would do if you were in her shoes. Of course, aside from the romance between these two main characters, the level of intrigue and suspense rises yet again. There are now more people involved on both ends of the spectrum, and you find yourself anxious to get to the truth but relish in the excitement that each book brings you and there's a new revelation that had me gobsmacked. If you think you've figured out what's going, Hard to Come By teaches you a lesson in twists. It gets five stars. ♥

Date Read: 22 September 2015

Learn more about Laura Kaye here.

Purchase Hard to Come By on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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