Review: Beneath These Scars by Meghan March (Beneath #4)

Note: This ARC was provided by RockStar Lit PR in exchange for an honest review.

I touched the raised white line on his forearm now. "No one makes it through life without scars. It's impossible. But they're not signs of shame; they're badges of honor showing that you fought and survived. That's why I've never hidden mine, but you've never moved on."

Lucas's words came out sharp. "And you have?"

"I have now. And you're the reason why."

"I'm the worst reason." Lucas shoved to his feet and strode out of the room.

Lucas Titan has never claimed to be a nice guy nor is he the kind of man who succumbed to the will of others. He wouldn't be the billionaire that he is if he showed any form of weakness. He goes after what he wants, no questions asked, and from the moment he meets Yvonne Santos, he knows he wants her. But Yve isn't the kind of woman he's used to. She doesn't bend to his will nor is she afraid to court his displeasure by disagreeing with or contradicting him. She refuses to ask for his help even when she finds her past is back to haunt and taunt her. She's already survived being with a wealthy man who controlled her before, but there's something about Lucas that makes Yve want to know the man beneath all the scars.

From the time I first read Beneath This Mask, I knew Meghan March was an author I was going to keep my eye on and with every book that followed in her Beneath series, my faith in her gift for storytelling has been rewarded exponentially. Now, with the story of one of my favorite characters in the entire series finally being told, this go-to author of mine proves it actually possible for her to out-do herself each and every time. I've been itching to read Lucas Titan's story ever since he was introduced to readers in Beneath This Ink, and while he gave way to Lord Robichaux in Beneath These Chains, Beneath These Scars is more than worth the wait. Why? Because it's Lucas Fucking Titan at his most formidable and most vulnerable.

I honestly thought that Yve Santos would end up with my favorite detective from the New Orleans Police Department, Hennessy, but I think she worked perfectly with Lucas. She challenged him and didn't give in to his domineering nature. I liked that she refused to give in to her fears and that her independence was a priority for her, wanting to move beyond her past--both in relation to the reputation the women in her family had and to her previous marriage. Lucas wasn't used to anyone questioning him or not immediately doing whatever he demanded and while being with her wasn't easy, he could see that she was worth the effort. These two pushed each other to see and believe that they were more than all their scars combined.

As always, Meghan March has a habit of having a twist in the story that I never see coming, shaming whatever theories I have into oblivion. She lulls you into a state of complacency, making you think you know what the heck is happening only to smack you with a revelation that has you sitting up and going, "What the eff?!" Then she makes you want to bug her for the next book in the series because one or more of the supporting characters has become even more intriguing, and in this case, it's dear Detective Hennessy and Valentina Noble. One reason I need his story is to learn the guy's first name. Yes, I'm shallow that way. Oh, and I wouldn't mind Delilah, Bishop, and JP getting their stories told too. Hint, hint.

If you've never read any of the books in this series, then may I humbly suggest that you get right on it because you're seriously missing out. While they can be read as standalones, I'm a stickler for reading books in a series in order so that you get the back stories of the recurring characters. There are only four books for you to go through and that'll be time well spent. There's a fifth one lined up already and being the fangirl that I am, I'm hoping for one or two (or more) to be added. But, if you want to start with this fourth book, who am I to stop you? Lucas Fucking Titan has my heart and his story proves that there's so much more to the man than his reputation for being an asshole. Beneath These Scars gets five-plus stars. ♥

Release Date: 22 September 2015 21 September 2015 (early release!)

Date Read: 21 September 2015

Learn more about Meghan March here.

Purchase Beneath These Scars on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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