Review: The Queen B* Strikes Back by Crista McHugh (The Queen B* #2)

Note: This ARC was provided by RockStar Lit PR in exchange for an honest review.

As much as she tries to deny it, Alexis Wyndham is falling for Brett Pederson, but she highly doubts that they would ever work as a couple. After all, she's Eastline High's one and only Queen B and Brett's the football playing hero. It isn't that difficult to figure which one people love and which one people love to hate. Even as she tells him they're better off as friends--as unbelievable a concept for either one of them--she secretly loves the kisses they share and the time spent together. But there's a reason why Alexis became the Queen B and that taught her those closest to you can turn out to be those who let you down the hardest. Can Alexis learn to trust Brett or is she setting herself up for disappointment...and heartache?

The Queen B* Strikes Back is the sequel to the young adult romance novel Confessions of a Queen B* and is the second book in The Queen B* series from bestselling author Crista McHugh. While I liked the first book, I found myself loving this second one because it had Alexis Wyndham and Brett Pederson needing to face the challenges to their possibility of becoming anything more than reluctant friends and allies. In the series starter, they had a mystery that had to be solved and when that temporary problem was fixed, they now had to deal with the fact that Brett was friends with Summer Hoyt, Alexis's number one nemesis, and their respective reputations had them pegged as the strangest pairing Eastline High would ever see.

This story takes place right after the events in Confessions of a Queen B* and leads readers back to the crux of Alexis's argument as to why she and Brett wouldn't make it as anything more than friends. Summer is, as usual, the manipulative queen bee that she tries to be and is desperately trying to get Brett's attention. I adore Richard Wang, one of Alexis's best friends, and the fact that he's supportive of Alexis but still able to honest with her when he thinks she's making a mistake. I liked seeing more progress in Alexis's relationship with her mother and sister, especially since she sees how similar the two are and how she's more like her father. She's also softer here, not as bitchy as before, which is obviously due to Brett.

While Alexis and Brett tended to stumble every now and again while making a go of their non-relationship, I loved these two together and their non-dates were cute. I may be more than double either of these characters' ages but I can appreciate a sweet romance and two main characters who seriously need to get their happily-ever-after. The third book in the series, The Queen B* and the Homecoming King, slated for release in December, hopefully gets Alexis and Brett (and fans of the series) there because I'm assuming Brett's going to be the Homecoming King, though I'm sure Summer will still cause trouble and I wouldn't be surprised if there'll be a twist or two. The Queen B* Strikes Back raised it up a notch and gets 4.5 stars. ♥

Release Date: 29 September 2015

Date Read: 29 September 2015

Learn more about Crista McHugh here.

Purchase The Queen B* Strikes Back on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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