Review: Dirty Talk by Megan Erickson (Mechanics of Love #2)

Note: This ARC was provided by Avon Impulse in exchange for an honest review.

Brent Payton's reputation as a guy who doesn't take life too seriously is known all over his hometown of Tory, Maryland and he does nothing to dissuade people from believing it. If anything, he perpetuates it all by playing up the part that he's been given, leaving everyone else to think that he isn't as reliable or as responsible as his siblings. Then he meets single mother Ivy Dawn and she's the first woman to ever make him want to drop the facade he's been living with for years. And try as Ivy might, she's finding it difficult to resist Brent, especially when he's the first man her young daughter Violet has ever been comfortable with. She's carrying some heavy secrets and burdens and Ivy's has to decide if Brent is the man she's ready to entrust all those to, especially with his reputation. But there's more to Brent than what people think he is.

Dirty Talk is the second and most recent release in the Megan Erickson-penned Mechanics of Love contemporary romance series and I'm going to come right out and say it: Brent Payton was what made this story. Yes, I liked Ivy Dawn and her adorable daughter Violet, but Brent was the kind of main character who broke your heart, not because he was a player, but because that laid-back persona that he had going in the first book belied the real man that he was. There were glimpses into his being a far more serious and sensitive guy in Dirty Talk, especially in the later conversations he and Cal shared, but now we get to see him in his full glory, and what a sight it is to behold. Brent is irresistibly charming and may have a devil-may-care attitude, but the nurturing guy he is with Ivy and Violet makes him top book boyfriend material.

The first book showed us the love the Payton brothers had for each other; this second book highlighted the kind of love and loyalty that sisters share, especially when it comes to protecting one another. Ivy and Alex Dawn would go above and beyond in order to make sure that the other was safe and secure and when push came to shove, I totally understood why Ivy decided to do what she did. Of course, thank goodness dear Violet spoke up and became the voice of reason. Sometimes, running is the easier option, but the problems will always remain unless you become actively involved in doing something to fix them. When Alex was initially introduced in book one, I thought she was going to be paired up with Brent, but I'm glad it was Ivy instead because she and Brent simply made sense together. Dirty Talk gets five out of five stars! ♥

Release Date: 15 September 2015

Date Read: 17 September 2015

Learn more about Megan Erickson here.

Purchase Dirty Talk on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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