Review: Write to Me by Nona Raines

Note: This ARC was provided by IndieSage PR via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Forty-three-year-old Gloria Navarro finds an unsigned love letter folded in a book of poetry and wonders about the man who wrote it. When she meets thirty-five-year-old Bryan Dunn and sees him holding the book of poetry, she automatically assumes him to be the letter writer and he, in turn, allows her to continue believing it, even as his feelings for her quickly deepen. But there is more than one truth waiting for Gloria to be discovered, and when she does, will reality taint what she's believed to be her idea of love?

Write to Me is a contemporary romance novella from Nona Raines and presents an original and interesting story idea: what if you found a love letter that inspired you and met the person who wrote it only to learn that he isn't its actual author? While the premise was interesting, I felt that the love story between Gloria and Bryan was on hyper speed and either of them developing feelings in a matter of a week or so seemed unfathomable, especially since they didn't really have much in common from the beginning.

There were certainly a couple of surprises in the story that I never saw coming, so those were definite pluses. The writing itself was concise and didn't have any unnecessary things tagged on just to heighten drama or add on to the angst-driven story. All in all, I think this was a story that had a great deal of promise, but one where I felt the chemistry between the main characters was lacking, making it difficult to believe what they had was an honest-to-goodness love connection. I'm giving Write to Me three stars. ♥

Release Date: 16 September 2015

Date Read: 18 September 2015

Learn more about Nona Raines here.

Purchase Write to Me on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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