Review: This Book Will Change Your Life by Amanda Weaver

Note: This ARC was provided by Entangled Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

After barely passing her very first chemistry test as an Honors Chemistry freshman, Hannah Gregory is at a loss and soon finds herself in a Prometheus Books, a store specializing in used books. There she meets one of the employees and English Lit senior Ben Fisher, who decides to open non-reader Hannah to the wonders found in the pages of books. Soon, they're spending a lot of time discussing literature as Hannah discovers a newly found love for books...and for Ben. But she isn't sure how Ben feels and they're both at a crossroads in their respective lives--Hannah no longer wanting to pursue her lifelong dream of becoming a chemist and Ben being forced into going into law school. With so much going on, Hannah and Ben will have to choose between living a life that's expected of them or pursuing the life they have always wanted.

It goes without saying that I love books. Call me a bookaholic, book whore, book slut, or book pimp, and I'll proudly claim each one. Anyone who knows me knows that I can spend an entire day in a bookstore or library, from the time it opens 'til they drag me out. My own room is overflowing with books and my shelves are already overcrowded, plus I have my trigger finger doesn't seem to know when to say "no" to an ebook on sale for 99 cents. So, is it any wonder that I fell in love with Amanda Weaver's new adult (NA) standalone entitled This Book Will Change Your Life? I mean, hello, it's a book about books and is primarily set in a bookstore and features one main character who loves literature and another one who falls further in love with each book the other one recommends to her! Loving this book was so inevitable!

Hannah Gregory and Ben Fisher are currently at the top of my list of cutest NA couples because these two had that combination of dorky adorableness that I find irresistible. I loved that they were so into their discussions when it came to books, but that passion soon spilled over onto their non-book discussions, especially when it had to do with what would happen next with their studies. These two had to face the challenge of dealing with their respective fathers and deciding on if and when to tell them that changes would have to be made to their expectations for them. This was a story of how books can influence our lives and can sometimes give us the courage or inspiration to buck against the norm and pursue something new but no less challenging. Hannah and Ben stumbled now and again but isn't that part of growing up?

You don't have to be a lover of books to appreciate Amanda Weaver's latest release. I think that anyone who's faced deciding whether they should keep walking down the road that's been mapped out for them or if they should change routes in the middle of their journey will be able to recognize what Hannah and Ben are going through. Yes, there are times where they falter and are undecided about what they should do, but it's not an experience exclusive to college-aged individuals. I would happily and am highly recommending This Book Will Change Your Life and while I can't say if it will or will not change your life, I'm hoping it will somehow inspire you one way or another. At the very least, I hope you'll check out the books mentioned and read at least one. This book is one of my 2015 favorite reads and give it five stars. ♥

Release Date: 28 September 2015

Date Read: 27 September 2015

Learn more about Amanda Weaver here.

Pre-order This Book Will Change Your Life on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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