Author Spotlight: Rebecca Yarros, Beyond What is Given

I'm just going to put this out there and you can go ahead and accuse me of playing favorites but there are three authors that have been on my list of dream interviews for my book blog and when I found myself with the opportunity to finally send a set of questions to one of them, I jumped at the chance! Who is this author? None other than the remarkably talented Rebecca Yarros, the writing genius behind the Flight & Glory series, one of my all-time favorites.

So, sit back and learn more about Rebecca and this series that has captured the hearts of countless readers everywhere. Enjoy!

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A Q&A with Rebecca Yarros
Thank you so much for having me!!! 

1. All three books have heartrendingly beautiful stories and broken but courageous characters. What inspired you to come up with the Flight & Glory series and how did you make sure that each book stands out individually?

Thank you so much! Flight & Glory started with Full Measures and just grew from there. At the time, my husband was leaving on his fourth deployment, and as any military wife, especially one with a husband who’s been wounded, I’m always terrified of that knock at the door. I’m also a dual military brat, and Full Measures was really born of me asking myself if my father, who is one of my favorite men on the planet, had died when I was that age, would I have had the courage to love again? Or love someone who could possibly break me again? Each story was really me asking a question that was poignant in my life at the time. 

For Eyes Turned Skyward, it was what would I be willing to risk if I knew my days were numbered, because we’d just begun fostering our daughter (two years later, we still are). Beyond What is Given was really a question of what it takes to forgive yourself for the mistakes you make in your life, and what happens when you fall in love with someone whose heart is locked away? I did my best to make sure they all stand apart because they’re all completely different relationships, different chemistries, different obstacles, but I love that they all weave together to tell the story of this group of friends. 

2. With all three male lead characters and best friends getting their stories, does Beyond What is Given mark the end of the Flight & Glory series? If so, what kind of epilogue for twenty years from now would you write for Grayson Masters and Samantha Fitzgerald, Jagger Bateman and Paisley Donovan, and Josh Walker and Ember Howard?

Actually, Hallowed Ground will round out the series in January. It deals with the struggles of military life after flight school, and is told from both Josh and Ember’s perspective. And I definitely can’t give you an epilogue in 20 years until that one is released! LOL! 

3. Using just one word for each, how would describe Grayson, Jagger, Josh, Sam, Paisley, and Ember?

Grayson: Determined
Jagger: Wild
Josh: Reckless
Sam: Feisty
Paisley: Sweet
Ember: Strong

4. What would your dream cast be like if all three books were made into movies?

Ooh, I love this game! 

        Grayson: Colin Wayne
Jagger: Alex Pettyfer
Josh: Theo James
Sam: Kat Graham
Paisley: Anna Sophia Robb
Ember: Holland Roden

5. What is the greatest lesson you have learned from writing the series?

That I have an incredibly loving and supportive group of friends and family. Writing professionally is really a lonely job because it’s basically you with your computer living in your head, and I constantly forget to call friends back, get enough sleep, or sometimes that whole dinner-making thing throws me. I’d be lost without my husband, my family, and my incredibly awesome friends!

6. If you were serving in the military, which branch would you choose to be in and why?

The Army. Why? Because my grandfathers were in the army, my parents were in the army, and my husband is in the army. I guess I’m a sucker for tradition. ;) 

7. Given a choice, would rather relive your childhood or learn what happens to you in the future?

Oh man, do I have to do either? Jr. High was awkward and slightly painful, lol! I guess I’d have to say learn what happens in the future, though I’m not a fan of that one either. I think the gorgeous emotions of life are more poignant because we don’t know what’s around the bend.

8. If you had the power to give military families anything, what would it be and why?

An end to this war. My husband has deployed four times, twice to Iraq during the earliest days of that war, and twice to Afghanistan lately. I’ve watched my kids worry, cry that he’s not here, and grow up with an ingrained sense of fear that I would do anything to remove. The best gift to a military family would be the simple ability to be a family. 

9. How would you spend a day all to yourself?

Um…those exist? LOL! With six kids, I think I’d sleep as long as I wanted, grab some tasty coffee, stop by the book store and read in the absolute, delicious quiet. Then I’d miss everyone by the end of the day! 

10. What advice would you give aspiring writers who want to achieve the same kind of success you have? 

That’s so nice of you to say that I’m successful! (Seriously, feel free to move in with me and repeat that to me every day as a boost when I sit down in yoga pants and barely-brushed hair, LOL!!!) But in all seriousness, I would say do not give up. Ever. Rejection hurts. You know what hurts more than rejection? Bad reviews. You don’t let either of them tear you down, because at the end of the day, this is your story, and not everyone, whether they’re agents, editors, or even readers will like it. The object is to pour your soul out and hope it touches someone else. DO NOT GIVE UP. Hone your craft, read, study, WRITE, attend workshops and conferences, and just keep going. 

Thank you so very much for having me! I really enjoyed your questions!!!

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My sincerest gratitude to Rebecca Yarros for taking the time to go through my questions and giving such thoughtful answers. Keeping it to ten was a task in itself because I so wanted to find out even more! ♥

And on a side note, I'm thrilled that there's one more book in the Flight & Glory series! 

Thank you also to Lisa Filipe of Tasty Book Tours for letting me be a part of this amazing blog tour and for facilitating the interview. ♥

And a special thank you to Ellie McMahon of Entangled Publishing for making this bookaholic's wish come true and gifting me with the ARC for Beyond What is Given on August 13th. ♥

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Make sure to check out my book spotlight on Beyond What is Given.

Do yourselves a favor and read the Flight & Glory series. Each book will be money and time well spent. Trust me.

 Full Measures (book one)

Eyes Turned Skyward (book two)

Beyond What is Given (book three)

Hallowed Ground (book four) - Releasing January 2016


  1. Great Interview! I better get caught up on the series!!

    1. This was my favorite interview to date. :) Thank you for facilitating it and I hope you fall in love with the Flight & Glory series as much as I did!


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