Review: The Secret Son by Joan Kilby (Secrets of Cherry Lake #2)

Note: This ARC was provided by Tule Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Alex Chernoff was on his way to Mexico when he decided to make a detour and head on out to Cherry Lake. He's wanted answers for too many years and now, at the age of thirty, he intends to get them from the father that left him and his mother behind when he was only five years old. But once there, he meets Emma Stanhope and gets to know the half-siblings who his father chose over him all those years ago. He doesn't tell them who he really is, just like they have no idea that a pillar of the community has a secret son in Canada. Alex arrived in Cherry Lake with questions but he may leave with more than he bargained for.

The Secret Son by Joan Kilby is the second release but first book in the multi-authored Secrets of Cherry Lake series from Tule Publishing. Alex Chernoff may no longer carry his father's last name but that doesn't mean that he doesn't want to know why he was abandoned when he was only a child. All he wants are answers and he finds himself in Cherry Lake and at the very same family-owned orchard where he last saw his father. Other than his grandparents, his father's wife and other children have no idea that Alex even exists, but his stay is made far more bearable and memorable with time spent with Emma Stanhope.

My heart broke for Alex, especially when he realized that his half-siblings and his father's wife had no knowledge of who he was. To be honest, I didn't like Robert Jackson all that much. All the secrecy and the fact that he was too busy trying to spare the feelings of his wife and his three other children but not even considering how badly he's hurt and continues to hurt his other son made me want to smack him. There wasn't a good enough excuse for what he did in the past and how he treated Alex in Cherry Lake. It was a purely selfish and cowardly thing for him to have done and if I were Alex, I would have just walked away.

I liked Alex and Emma together, proving that what you want isn't always what you need because Emma didn't fit into the type of woman that Alex usually spent time with but there was something about her that made being with her far more life-changing for him. Since I know the next book is about the Jackson siblings' cousin, I'm going to assume that the series isn't exclusively about Robert Jackson's children. Still, I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series and seeing where the authors take each one. The Secret Son had me teary-eyed a time or two and it's one of my favorite reads this year. It gets five stars. ♥

Date Read: 04 September 2015

Learn more about Joan Kilby here.

Purchase The Secret Son on Amazon | Kobo.


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