Review: Lawson by Marie James (Cerberus MC 2.0 #1)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Foreword PR & Marketing in exchange for an honest review.

The motorcycle club that is Cerberus is back! Marie James Cerberus MC 2.0 series is a spin-off of her popular Cerberus series, and this time around, she's got the second generation at the forefront while still having the original characters reminding readers that they're still very much around. Lawson starts things off, and it's about Lawson O'Neil, son of Darby O'Neil, former threesome partner of Jaxon and Robert Donovan, aka Snatch and Itchy, whose story you can read in Snatch, the fifth novel in the original series. When his mother dies, eighteen-year-old Lawson makes the decision to look for his father, Jaxon Donovan, who he was made to believe had rejected both Darby and their unborn child. Even as Lawson realizes that Jaxon had no idea he even existed, the animosity within him is difficult to get rid of. Maybe he can get his revenge on his biological father by messing with the man's adopted daughter, nearly seventeen-year-old Delilah Donovan. But pretty soon, Lawson sees Delilah as more than a pawn. She's becoming the girl that makes him want to claim her, but will he ever see himself as worth of Delilah?

The first half of the book is mature young adult (M-YA) that transitions into new adult (NA) in the second half, which takes place two years after the events in the first part. It's got that bit of taboo, what with Jaxon being Lawson's biological father and Delilah's adoptive one, but it isn't as big of a stumbling block as you would expect. Both Lawson and Delilah are dealing with their respective sets of issues--Lawson with his accepting that his father had no clue Darby was pregnant by him and Delilah her own insecurities regarding how Lawson saw her. A lot seems to happen in the two-year gap that has the two main characters apart from one another. While Lawson has matured and become far more responsible, Delilah's last encounter with Lawson has led her to making certain choices that have her thinking that now she's the one who's unworthy of Lawson. These two needed to do a better job of being open and honest with one another because it could have spared them a lot of unnecessary heartache.

Lawson was a pretty strong beginning, though, the thing with a rival MC and Gigi Anderson's reaction to Lawson and Delilah at the end seemed iffy, as if the first was a distraction and the second a way to prep readers for her story which is up next in the series. I also wondered about Lawson not being part of the actual club, even though I do get that he and Delilah are the children of a club member. Still, I did enjoy the book and the one I'm looking forward to reading is definitely the one that'll have Ivy Anderson and Griffin Griggs because I seriously would like to see him finally opening his eyes and seeing what's been right in front of him all this time or if she'll move on. With a good start to this spin-off series, the future of Cerberus MC 2.0 is looking rather bright at the moment. Four stars. ♥

Release Date: 08 November 2017

Date Read: 06 November 2017

Learn more about Marie James.

Purchase Lawson on Amazon.


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