Review: Love by Number by DJ Jamison

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via IndiGo Marketing & Design in exchange for an honest review.

Love by Number is a novella written by DJ Jamison and it's set in the world of baseball, only neither of the heroes are athletes, which was a refreshing change from other stories that have at least one of the main characters playing the sport. Here we have Aidan, a baseball fan with a love for numbers, choosing the surety of numbers over the unpredictability of people. He follows the Kansas City Royals, making a point of watching each and every play, recording all the statistics and then trying to make sense of it all in order to, more or less, predict the end result. Jesse, who accompanies his father to the games of the Royals, has noticed Aidan before and has even tried to engage the twenty-six-year-old in a conversation, to little success. When the twenty-five-year-old artist crashes his car into Aidan's, it unexpectedly leads to Jesse agreeing to take Aidan to St. Louis for the World Series. They're two twenty-somethings without a whole lot in common, but will they find some common ground on this road trip?

Aidan loves baseball, but not as much as he does numbers. On the other hand, Jesse isn't a true blue fan, attending games for his grandfather rather than for a genuine love for the game itself. These two had an interesting love story, one that was fraught with assumptions and miscommunication. While reading the boo, I wondered if it would have helped matters had Jesse been informed beforehand that Aidan was, indeed, on the autism spectrum, explaining why he was as obsessive with the stat-keeping than other people. In hindsight, though, I think that not knowing that made for a more interesting read, especially because it allowed Jesse to get to know and form an appreciation for the Aidan that was with him during the road trip to St. Louis. Did they have their disagreements and misunderstandings? Oh yes, they did, and maybe more talking rather than storming off would have helped, but then, maybe that's what it took for them to realize what they were building was something that was worth the heartache AND headache. Overall, Love by Number was an entertaining and enlightening read. This gets four stars. ♥

Release Date: 12 October 2017

Date Read: 12 October 2017

Learn more about DJ Jamison.

Purchase Love by Number on Amazon.


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