Review: Improper Fraction by V.L. Locey

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Signal Boost Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

This! This book is my favorite one from V.L. Locey. Improper Fraction was fast-paced but never scrimped on delivering a full-fledged second chance romance with a dash of suspense thrown into the mix. For the record, I am so not a fan of math, but it wasn't as huge of an element in this story than I feared. Instead, O'Malley Ramsey's love for numbers, formulae, and statistics was more of a way to point out how different he was from his best friend--and the object of his love and affection--Garrison Rook, who was every bit an athlete with aspirations to become a professional baseball player. Their way back to each other isn't easy, but it makes for a really good read.

Best friends for years, O'Malley Ramsey and Garrison Rook share one unforgettable moment of love and honesty in the tree house they played in as children on the night they both graduated from high school. Though both headed for college, Garrison was going to Canada and O'Malley to Florida. On the cusp of summer, they promised to stay in touch and to return to one another in their hometown of Willow Glen, South Carolina. But while O'Malley kept trying to reach out, Garrison cut off all communication, and for four years, they led separate lives. Then they meet again, the heat of summer battling with the iciness emanating from O'Malley and many regrets drowning Garrison.

Just like with O'Malley, Garrison had to work his way into convincing me he was worthy of his estranged best friend's--and first love's--forgiveness and trust. I understood the logic behind his reasoning for his actions, but four years is a long time, and you would think he would have come to his senses sooner rather than later, but that has to do more with my personal preference and frustration rather than with the actual story. This was went beyond the summer camp setting, which was more sheltered, and pushed both O'Malley and Garrison into the real world, a world that had the former's father and the latter's family and their reactions to their relationship to worry about.

Homophobia plays a part in their story, and I admit that there was one point in the story that I was worried about the safety of one of the supporting characters, Tipsy. You'll have to read the book to figure out who Tipsy is, but if you're familiar with my reviews and have a basic idea of who I am and the loves in my life, then you'll get why I've chosen to pinpoint Tipsy. So, thank you to the author for not doing the unthinkable with as far as this particular characters was concerned. The cast of characters combined with a strong story and great writing has me considering Improper Fraction V.L. Locey's best work to date and I'm happily recommending it. This gets five stars. ♥

Date Read: 19 October 2017

Learn more about V.L. Locey.

Purchase Improper Fraction on Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


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