Review: Drive by Kate Stewart

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Wordsmith Publicity in exchange for an honest review.

I used to think I was cursed for having fallen in love with two men. But, in hindsight, I realized what a gift it was. They were my lovers, my teachers, my best friends, and I would love them both until I took my last breath.

Drive is my first ever Kate Stewart read. Go ahead, grab something to chuck my way. I know, I know. It's a rather sad thing to admit, but there you have it. I read. A LOT. As in, multiple things in a day. It's part of my job and when I have free time, I still do a hell of a lot of reading. That being said, there are only so many hours in a day, so many days in a week, and so on and so forth. The point is, while this is my first read penned by this particular author, I know who Kate Stewart and based on the reviews of bloggers and reviewers whose opinions I can bank on, she has a reputation for being a writer whose work is worth reading. Think of this as a "better late than never" kind of thing. She's more than impressed me with this novel. She's actually made me feel embarrassed that it's taken me this long to discover her writing, but let me just say that now that I've learned my lesson, I certainly won't let it take forever for me to read her stuff again (hello, back list!). Because if the rest of her stuff is, at the very least, half as enthralling and heartrending is this latest standalone of hers, then I'd be an idiot to continue missing out on it.

Music journalist Stella Emerson is at the center of this novel and while the synopsis states that she takes a drive over two days, this book is all about her journey to finding love, not just once but twice over, which spans several years. There are two men--musician Reid Crowne and editor-in-chief Nate Butler--who become intrinsically part of Stella's life. It wouldn't be fair to say there are two separate love stories here; there is one story that veers in a couple of directions only to intersect again. I know that there will be readers who will see the whole "two guys" thing and think to themselves that it's a love triangle and that's a hard-stop for them. But here's the thing, this story, while it does have a love triangle, is, for lack of a better term, different. Okay, that sounds lackluster. Stella's story with Reid and Nate is extraordinary. Sharing bits of their tale is tempting because doing so would give an idea why there are many that have fallen in love with it. However, I'm going to do you the ultimate favor by simply saying this: pick up a copy of Drive and experience its brilliance for yourself. You so won't regret it. Five-plus stars. ♥

Date Read: 20 October 2017

Learn more about Kate Stewart.

Purchase Drive on Amazon.


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