Review: Pupcakes by Annie England Noblin

Note: This ARC was provided by HarperCollins in exchange for an honest review.

Okay, I admit it. The cover of this book was what caught my attention. I mean, hello? Look at Teddy Roosevelt's adorable mug! My parents had a couple of pugs several years ago--Giorgio and Giorginna--so yes, this particular pug with the Santa hat called to me. However, it was what lay between the covers that kept me flipping through each and every page because Annie England Noblin's Pupcakes was like a warm puppy--it had me wanting to snuggle into its warmth and absorb all the goodness it had to offer. This is my first read from the author, and if the smile popping up on my face countless times plus the grin that stayed by the end aren't enough evidence of how much I enjoyed this book, then maybe my addition of the author's past releases on my to-be-read list is solid proof.

Thirty-four-year-old Brydie Benson is ready to move forward with her life--ready for something new. An overweight senior dog named Teddy Roosevelt certainly wasn't part of the image she had in her head as far as new beginnings go. But how could she say no to staying rent-free in the house owned by Pauline Neumann, Teddy's feisty owner, in exchange for taking care of the pug and making sure he visits Pauline? That doesn't mean, however, that she doesn't regular income, so she finds a job at grocery, taking the night shift. It's there she realizes that maybe combining her love for baking and what she's learned while caring for Teddy could be put to good use and bring in money. Having a bakery is a good thing, and forging a relationship with Nathan Reid may be a bonus, but life comes with no guarantees, and it'll show Brydie that nothing about it is perfect...but that doesn't mean it can't be good.

I liked that Brydie was this woman who was in her mid-thirties and was still trying to find her place in the new world that she finds herself in. Her story is one of re-discovery--learning new things about herself and deciding which among the old things she needs to let go of and which to hold on to. She shares her story with Teddy--who has a thing or two or ten to teach her--as well as with Pauline, Nathan, and the rest of the people (and dogs) whose lives intersect with hers. Noblin's writing is enticing, giving it a generous amount of humor and peppering it with slightly heavier moments. She's doesn't overdo any of the elements in the book, enabling the reader to simply sit back and fall in love with the story. Pupcakes whets one's appetite throughout but leaves you sated. Five stars. ♥

Date Read: 30 September 2017

Learn more about Annie England Noblin.

Purchase Pupcakes on Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


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