Review: The Evolution of Us by D. Kelly

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Give Me Books Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

After having heard good things about D. Kelly's past released, I jumped on the chance to read and review her latest release, The Evolution of Us, which in turn, became my first read from the author. It's a story about a second chance with our first love and making amends in hopes of creating a life together. Holly Ryan and Declan James fell in love in high school and spent college together. And then one overheard conversation, an assumption made, and a hell of a lot of miscommunication led to the Declan informing Holly that maybe it would be best for them to take a break and see other people. A couple of years later, Declan hopes to convince Holly to give their relationship a shot. She's wary but can't deny that she misses the guy she's still in love with. He's more than prepared to use whatever methods necessary to prove that he's worthy of forgiveness and a shot at being with her. But how does the guy who became an absolute manwhore after his breakup with the girl he claims to have never stopped loving convince her that he's in it to win it--to win her? Never count out a determined guy with a social media following.

I wasn't a fan of either Declan's or Holly's. There story was a case of much ado about nothing, and had these two pulled up their big person underwear, they would have spared themselves wasted years and a whole lot of heartache. Didn't either one of them ever hear how communication is key in a stable and happy relationship? I also questioned Declan's constant declarations of love. He repeatedly said he loved Holly--that she was the only woman he ever loved--but that doesn't necessarily excuse his bedroom antics with other women. And he's supposedly been trying to woo her back in the two years since things ended between them? Umm, here's a suggestion: don't go sleeping with other women if you're trying to make the girl you claim to love believe that she's the only one for you. Ugh. There was also all that secret that Holly was keeping for him, and for a girl who believed she had the moral high ground after their breakup, well, it was a tad hypocritical on her part. I'm sad that I couldn't become invested in these two or their story, but maybe The Evolution of Us will click with other readers. It gets three stars. ♥

Release Date: 11 October 2017

Date Read: 08 October 2017

Learn more about D. Kelly.

Purchase The Evolution of Us on Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


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