Review: The Resurrection of Wildflowers by Micalea Smeltzer (Wildflower #2)

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Grey's Promotions.

The Resurrection of Wildflowers is the second book that serves as the conclusion to the Wildflower duet from Micalea Smeltzer. This does have a continuing story line featuring the same main couple, Salem Matthews and Thayer Holmes, so The Confidence of Wildflowers MUST be read prior to diving into this new book. This picks up six years after the events in book one, with everything that happened summarized in a huge chunk of the first chapter. Things have moved forward in one way or another for both Salem and Thayer, with their lives separate and Salem making a point of not returning to Hawthorne Mills. But the time has come for her to make her way back before time runs out. Inevitably, she knows she'll have to cross paths with Thayer. He's never moved away, even after what happened with Forrest. Avoiding him will be impossible, but when he asks for a second chance, will Salem forgive him...and will Thayer forgive her when he finds out her secret?

Oh, dear... It's been hours since I finished this book, and I'm still at a loss as to how to word my review. I'll be honest, I had issues with The Confidence of Wildflowers, but I wanted to go into this sequel with an open mind and heart and hope that it would, at the very least, meet my realistically set expectations. Alas, I'm left disappointed, and that breaks my heart because I've read a number of Micalea Smeltzer's work over the years, and I love her writing. Of course, I know that not every book is going to click with me, it's just a tad sad when it's an author you love. The thing is, The Resurrection of Wildflowers was so drawn out, like nothing much of anything was happening other than the expected rekindling of romance between the main characters. Salem felt like the same Salem, only older. I wasn't a fan of how she basically used Caleb, and her lack of understanding and empathy with regards to why Thayer acted the way he did six years ago boggles the mind. Ugh. So as much as it kills me to give this a low rating, I'm going with blunt honesty here. 2.5 stars. 

Release Date: 06 April 2022

Date Read: 06 April 2022

Learn more about Micalea Smeltzer.

Purchase The Resurrection of Wildflowers on Amazon.


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