Review: Honeymoon Refrain by Harley Grace (Boys of Bliss #1)

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via GRR Tours & Promo.

Honeymoon Refrain is the first novel in the Boys of Bliss series, and it also happens to be the debut release from Harley Grace, a pair of authors who have joined forces to give readers like me M/M romances--and thank goodness they got together! I don't know who makes up this author duo, but I seriously hope they continue to write beautiful romances together because I'm here for ALL of it! If this series starter is just a glimpse of what readers have to look forward to, not just for the series itself but from these two as a whole, it goes beyond promising because this is a truly fabulous read that had me captivated from the moment I started reading right 'til the very end.

What do you do when you catch your fiance cheating on you with your best friend? Why, go on your honeymoon to Bliss Resort in the Caribbean, of course, and that's exactly what Andrew Wellman decided to do after he caught his fiance and his best friend together. He needed the vacation anyway, and if it just happened to be in the resort that became his sole focus for so long and held a place of pride in his career as an interior designer, then he wasn't going to complain. Hooking up with the hot singer with a guitar who looks to be the resident entertainer may be just what he needs, but it turns out that the guy's name isn't Joe Jones. He's actually Cade Fabien, former guitarist and songwriter of the recently disbanded Phantom Hill. Cade's at Bliss in order to get his own life back on track, but will Andrew want to be part of it?

When I go into any book from a new-to-me author or an author's debut release, there's always this feeling of hope that comes with it. I always want to, at the very least, enjoy the book I'm reading, and when it comes to someone new, there's that hope that maybe I've found an author whose work clicks with me and that I'll be on the lookout for any new work they have down the pipeline. Well, I'm happy to say that that's exactly what happened when I read Andrew and Cade's story. Not only did I love the romance of it all, I was enchanted by the island and Bliss Resort as well as the notable cast of supporting characters that I am eagerly awaiting to get to know more about (except Thom). The bar's been set high by Honeymoon Refrain. Five stars.

Release Date: 27 August 2020

Date Read: 23 August 2020

Learn more about Harley Grace.

Purchase Honeymoon Refrain on Amazon.


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