Review: Pieces of You by Jay McLean (Pieces #1)

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author.

She's like...a riddle. 
A paradox.
An incomplete picture. 
It's as if she only gives people fragments of herself. 
I can't help but smile. 
Jameson Taylor is like a puzzle.
And I've always liked puzzles.

If you're an avid Jay McLean reader, then Holden Eastwood should be more than familiar to you. If you're new to this author, then this could be a good place for you to introduce yourself to her amazing writing. Holden's story is one he shares with Jameson Taylor, and the first part plays out in Pieces of You, book one in McLean's new Pieces duet. Because this is a duet featuring a continuing story line, suffice it to say that there is a cliffhanger, one that left me gobsmacked, my heart coming to a stop and my mind full with questions.

Your last year in high school is all about preparing for what lies ahead once you've got that diploma in hand. Change is inevitable, but Holden Eastwood never considered the life-changing event to be spending time with Jameson Taylor. They may both be seniors, but they don't seem to have a whole lot in common. These two, though, know about life's burdens. Theirs becomes the unlikeliest of relationships, but will the love and solace they find in each other fill in their missing pieces or could the past break them beyond repair?

I read Holden and Jamie's story in one go, refusing to be distracted by almost anything, going to the point where I had my tablet perched in front of me even as I was having lunch. A book as engrossing as this demanded my time and attention, while also inspiring me to become emotionally invested. I mean, how could I not?! I felt for these two main characters, to the point that there were moments where I found myself tearing up for them. And that cliffhanger? Lord, give me strength...and loads of patience! Five-plus stars.

Release Date: 01 July 2021

Date Read: 01 July 2021

Learn more about Jay McLean.

Purchase Pieces of You on Amazon.


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