Review: Hidden Treasures by Marshall Thornton (Pinx Video Mysteries #2)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Signal Boost Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Noah Valentine and his reluctant sleuthing skills are back in Hidden Treasures, the second book in award-winning author Marshall Thornton's addictive Pinx Video Mysteries series! A few months have passed since the events in Night Drop, and the last thing Noah wants is to be sucked into solving yet another mystery. As much as he would like to keep his distance from the latest murder in the area, Noah finds himself with no other choice but to become involved because of his connection to the crime. With a lot of pushing and prodding and some actual help from his closest friends and neighbors, Noah tries to piece together clues. He also calls upon Detective Javier O'Shea--the same police detective who's made his non-professional interest in Noah as clear as day. When yet another secret his late lover comes to the forefront, Noah wonders just how much he actually knew the man he shared years of his life with and if he would ever be willing to risk getting to know the man who holds far more of attention than he'd be willing to admit. With everything going on in his life, he also needs to solve the mystery of one blue dress.

Damn but can Marshall Thornton write one heck of an enticing mystery! This is only my second Thornton read, and now I'm wondering what else of his I may have missed. I shall definitely be hopping on over to Goodreads after I get this review done to see if my already kilometric to-be-read list is going to get even longer. I seriously like Noah Valentine. The guy has the whole situation with being HIV positive--I swear, if Jeffer Cole were still alive, I'd have smacked him silly for what he did to Noah--and he had his struggles but he wasn't spending all his time bemoaning his fate. Nope, he was too busy solving mysteries for that. I'm also pretty sure I'm not the only fan of this series who hopes things between Noah and Javier develop. They're genuinely good men and I think Noah deserves to have equally genuine happiness as well. With a hint of romance and a whole lot of mystery and suspense, the second Pinx Video Mysteries book left me both satisfied and wanting even more. Fingers crossed that the wait won't be too long, but either way, I will be sitting right here waiting excitedly for it. Five stars for Hidden Treasures. ♥


Read my reviews for the Pinx Video Mysteries series:

Night Drop (book one) - five stars - My Review

Hidden Treasures (book two) - five stars - My Review (posted above)


Date Read: 06 February 2018

Learn more about Marshall Thornton.

Purchase Hidden Treasures on Amazon.


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