Review: Elite by Carrie Aarons (Privileged #2)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Give Me Books Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

If you've already read Carrie Aarons young adult romance, Privileged, then take the core elements of that story--the idea of privileged young people, secrets, deceit, and romance (and let's not forget the sex, though not the overly raunchy kind)--and move Winston Academy from London, England to Thistle, Vermont across the pond, and you've got Elite. If the previous book was YA, this new release is more new adult (NA), with college students in Jade Mountain University. It also happens to be on a more intense and intriguing level, making for a very enticing read.

Twenty-year-old Eloise Mason is a transfer student at Jade Mountain University, and as soon as she arrives in her dorm room, she quickly realizes that there's nothing usual about the school. She meets college junior and basketball superstar Colton Reitner, the alpha among alphas at Jade Mountain. He knows exactly the power he holds among his peers, but what they don't know is that Colton's got secrets that could very well spell the end of it all. Once Eloise and Colton find each other, they'll have to hold on tight or lose one another amidst all of their lies.

This book was a step above of its predecessor in terms of tension and suspense. Both Eloise and Colton are faced with challenges and are often forced to make difficult choices. Colton's life is more complicated than Eloise's, and while he always put other people first--his family and his team--having Eloise around helped him to see that there are times where he needs to put himself in that top spot. I loved the intrigue and romance and everything in between. Elite is an NA standalone that I'm happily giving five stars to, but go ahead and peruse Privileged as well. ♥


Read my reviews for the Privileged series:

Privileged (book one) - five stars - My Review

Elite (book two) - five stars - My Review (posted above)


Release Date: 18 February 2018

Date Read: 18 February 2018

Learn more about Carrie Aarons.

Purchase Elite on Amazon.


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