Audiobook Review: September by Robert Winter, narrated by Kale Williams (Pride and Joy #1)

Note: This audiobook was provided by the author via IndiGo Marketing & Design in exchange for an honest review.

September was Robert Winter's debut release in late 2016, and I was fortunate enough to read and review it in time for the release of his sophomore effort, Every Breath You Take, in May of last year. Both books were originally published by Dreamspinner Press, and they've been re-released by the author since then. I haven't read the re-released versions, so I'm not entirely sure if there are any differences between either edition. However, that is neither here nor there in terms of this review because this time around, we're focusing on the audiobook for September, and me being the audiobook addict that I am and the fact that I loved the book when I first read it, I snapped it up once I saw it was on Audible. Winter's writing has been paired with the narration of Kale Williams, whose work I've listened to before, and theirs looks to be a match made in audiobook heaven.

Forty-eight-year-old David James deals with the loss of the man he was in a fifteen-year relationship with by working more than he should and working out to the point of exhaustion. It's been two years since he lost Kyle, and he's yet to truly move forward. When an injury sustained while working out has him spending time with twenty-six-year-old physical therapist Brandon Smith, David finds himself opening up to the possibility of being with someone new, even if he does happen to be twenty-two years younger than him. They fit together well, but judgment and presumptions are waiting to pounce from those on the outside of the bubble that is Brandon and David. When bubble bursts, will there be anything left for them to fix or simply leave all their broken pieces be?

Even the second time around, Winter's story remains one that's able to evoke a host of emotions out of me. David and Brandon have the kind of love story that seems doomed to be nothing more than a fling, given that it's originally one they get into because of lust, but listening to them stumble and then go over each hurdle thrown their way made for a romance worth putting time into. With Williams's voice bringing to life this beautiful love story, I allowed myself to experience it with fresh ears. This is my fourth listen for the narrator, but dare I say that this particular audiobook is him at his best, what with wonderfully weaved material to work with. It was easy to distinguish David from Brandon, and I hope that this won't be the only time Winter and Williams combine their talents. September easily gets five stars. Feel free to check out my review for the ebook.

Date Listened to: 09 February 2018

Learn more about Robert Winter.

Learn more about Kale Williams.

Purchase September on Audible | iTunes.


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