Review: Waterfall Effect by K.K. Allen

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Give Me Books Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Waterfall Effect is my first read from author K.K. Allen, and it's her newest standalone release. At face value, it's a second chance romance, but this was so much more than that. Yes, the main characters were young and in love at seventeen and twenty-one, respectively, and Aurora June and Jaxon Mills meet again five years after she walked away from him and their hometown at eighteen. However, this is also a romantic suspense story, one that's fraught with tension brought about by the what-ifs and the unanswered questions of the life-altering event that changed both Aurora's and Jaxon's lives, resulting in them going in different directions. Aurora returns, and in order for their story to truly come full circle and for them to start over again, they'll have to face the demons of their joint pasts.

I love it when an author is able to keep me on my toes, and that's exactly what Allen did here. Readers get both the romance and the suspense in equal measure, working together in symphony rather than one trying to overpower the other. You feel for both Aurora and Jaxon and somehow empathize with them when they made the choices that they did five years prior. There's both a strength and a vulnerability to both Aurora and Jaxon, and they return to being each other's greatest source of support and understanding, which they'll both need if there's any hope for them to overcome whatever's lying in wait. Allen's writing in Waterfall Effect is crisp and clear, with a tendency to lull you into complacency before she unleashes a twist here and a turn there. Color me very impressed. Five stars. ♥

Release Date: 28 February 2018

Date Read: 28 February 2018

Learn more about K.K. Allen.

Purchase Waterfall Effect on Amazon.


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