Review: Charming Hannah by Kristen Proby (Big Sky #1)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review.

Big Sky is a spin-off series of the Love Under the Big Sky series from bestselling author Kristen Proby, and starts off with Charming Hannah. Still set in Cunningham Falls, Montana, we're re-introduced to Brad Hull, who was a constant presence throughout the original series as a police detective, and Hannah Malone, who first appeared in the novella, Saving Grace, as the roommate of Grace Baxter (née Douglas) and had just applied to work at the local hospital. Now the main couple in this series starter, Brad is the chief of the local police department and Hannah is the top obstetrician in town. Three years after he gave up his shot to as her out on a date, believing she already had a boyfriend, the time's come for Brad to charm his redheaded doctor and Hannah to be charmed by the cop.

Hannah is a fiercely independent woman who's made Cunningham Falls her home in the five years that she's been there, leaving behind her home state of Kansas with barely a look back. When her best friend Drake Merritt invites her to apply for a position at the hospital he works at, Hannah took it as her chance at a new life, away from her alcoholic father and bad memories. Her anxieties, however, are still very much with her. She worries and stresses over things other people probably wouldn't bat an eyelash at. Her panic attacks are not something she advertises either, but it's part of who she is. There's no denying that she is confident and passionate about what she does, but behind all of that is the fact that she suffers from panic attacks and needs a life separate from her professional one.

Brad is nearly perfect. I swear, the man could do no wrong. Even when he seemed human--aka reacts without thinking, and that in itself was a rarity!--he would immediately backtrack, put his understanding face on and listen. As in actually LISTEN to Hannah explain. Problem solved quickly after and stirred-up drama due to miscommunication is avoided. Talk about a change of pace, and refreshing one at that! I loved Proby's Love Under the Big Sky books, so this spin-off has large shoes to fill. While I wouldn't exactly declare Charming Hannah the best book I've read this year, it was certainly a good start to the Big Sky series, and it already has me wondering who Jenna Hull is going to be paired up with (I'm kind of hoping it'll be Drake!). Overall, this one receives four stars. ♥

Release Date: 27 February 2018

Date Read: 27 February 2018

Learn more about Kristen Proby.

Purchase Charming Hannah on Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


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