Review: One Woman by Lisa Renee Jones (Naked #2)

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author.

I don't know who's considered the queen of evil cliffhangers in the world of romance fiction, but if it isn't Lisa Renee Jones, someone hand her the damn title already because she has certainly earned it! There are cliffhangers and there are EVIL cliffhangers, the latter being those cliffies (or is it supposed to be "cliffys"?) that leave you stunned and agog, desperate for answers and resolution. See, that frustration is a good thing--at least as far as I'm concerned--because it basically means that the reader is super invested in both the story and the main characters.

One Woman picks up where One Man left off. Emma Knight and Jax North aren't just wading through their feelings for each other. There are more secrets that are just waiting to be discovered, and these secrets could spell doom for their relationship that's still in its early stages; but even worse, they could heavily impact their families in a manner that one or the other couldn't come back from. When everything is said and done, will Jax and Emma be able to come together and battle every single one of their demons as a team or will they choose to just walk away?

Lisa Renee Jones is like a master baker who knows how to perfectly balance her flavors, merging together the perfect amounts of romance and suspense to make for a highly addictive read. Emma and Jax have chemistry, yes, but their story is one that isn't for the faint of heart. I don't want to give anything away, so this review is meant to be relatively short. Just a quick note: Because all three books in the Naked trilogy are connected, so you MUST read One Man before One Woman and then wait for Two Together (due in November). Five stars for One Woman. ♥


Read my reviews for the Naked series:

One Man (book one) - five stars - My Review

One Woman (book two) - five stars - My Review (posted above)


Date Read: 18 September 2019

Learn more about Lisa Renee Jones.

Purchase One Woman on Amazon | Apple Books | B&N | Kobo.


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