Review: Desperately Seeking Landlord by Micalea Smeltzer

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Give Me Books Promotions.

"I swore I'd never go down this path again, but I can't stay away from you." My breath catches at his confession. "There are so many reasons why I should walk away from you. For starters, I'm no good for you. You're too you and deserve more than someone like me, a jaded, workaholic, single father. You're a breath of fresh air and I'm the fire that steals all your oxygen."

Full disclosure: I did NOT like Jamie Miller AT ALL while reading Desperately Seeking Roommate. Like absolutely NO love lost. Here's the thing, though, my curiosity got the better of me. Could Micalea Smeltzer provide enough redeeming qualities about the guy for me to sorta-kinda-maybe change my mind about him? Well... She did. And now? Well, I absolutely adore the guy just as much as I do the kickass young woman he's paired with--the one and only Miranda Hershel. Readers met these two in Smeltzer's aforementioned novel, and with Desperately Seeking Landlord, Jamie and Miranda get to tell their story and how to unlikely people who did nothing more than occasionally hookup before take a risk and find love, while we, the readers, get love AND laughter with their story!

Hooking up was all Jamie Miller and Miranda Hershel were doing until Jamie abruptly ended things between them. Eight months and several knocks on her door later, Miranda is face to face with Jamie yet again, and while she greets him with a punch to the face, he shocks with the news that he's her new landlord. Both know that starting anything with each other is a bad idea, but Jamie can't seem to help himself--not when hooking up has led to becoming hooked on the girl he can't get enough of. He's tried to move on, but the time's come for him to finally let someone in. The question is, even if Miranda wanted him for his body before--in spite of the smug persona, her friends hating him, and their twelve-year age difference--does she even want to know the real Jamie Miller now?

The bar was set extremely high, and this book simply leaped over it with one heck of a fantastic story that I devoured within a couple of hours. I mean, was there really any other alternative than to fall in love with Jamie and Miranda and their story? I was surprised by Jamie's back story; I mean, who knew the guy I loved to hate in Desperately Seeking Roommate could win me over?! What he and Miranda had was a non-relationship based on lust that become a relationship that was still about lust but now what a whole lot of love thrown into the mix. Now, I don't want to give too much away, so I'm purposely being evasive by not giving additional details. Suffice it to say that whatever it is we thought we knew about Jamie doesn't come close to the man he turns out to be in this one.

Miranda is the sort of female main character that I can't help but want to stand up and cheer for and cheer on. She's smart, funny, talented, and beautiful--inside and out. She was such an amazing best friend to Lou Powell in the previous book, and I loved that we got to delve deeper and get to know her even better here. Speaking of Lou, I liked seeing the friendship that these two shared, alongside their friendship with Tanner (who really, really, REALLY needs his own happily-ever-after...might I suggest Desperately Seeking Barista?), especially as these two women were finding love and how that played into their own relationship as besties. Gah! I just cannot get enough of Micalea Smeltzer's stories with this fab cast of characters. Desperately Seeking Landlord receives five-plus stars. ♥

Release Date: 27 September 2019

Date Read: 27 September 2019

Learn more about Micalea Smeltzer.

Purchase Desperately Seeking Landlord on Amazon.


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