Review: Tempting Love by Kelly Elliott (Cowboys & Angels #3)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via InkSlinger PR in exchange for an honest review.

Mitchell Parker and Corina Miller finally get their story told in the third novel in bestselling author Kelly Elliott's Cowboys & Angels series. The tension between has been palpable from the get-go, but as much as Corina wanted nothing more than to make a go of it, Mitchell was running scared after they shared an unforgettable moment together. There are things that are worth waiting and fighting for, but Corina's done, especially since she seems to think it's all a one-sided affair. Why risk having her heart obliterated completely, right? The time's come to move on. However, it looks like Mitchell's come to realization at about the same time. With eyes and heart open, he's ready to admit that what he feels for Corina goes beyond whatever he once pretended it was. There's nothing platonic about what he wants to do to and share with her. But has he made his decision to pursue his feelings for her a tad too late? Corina knows well what it's like to be rejected by the man she's madly in love with. If Mitchell wants a shot with her, he'll have to prove himself. A love like theirs, after all, is far too tempting to resist for long...

Neither Mitchell nor Corina were perfect people. Mitchell made mistakes, allowing his fears to get the better of him, and as much as I understood why Corina was having the guy jump through hoops, it did get to the point where I wondered if she was doing it to punish the guy more than protect herself. However, I liked seeing their relationship develop to the point where they had to trust themselves, their feelings, and ultimately, one another if there was any hope of getting a happy ending. The author knows her readers and she knows them well because I'd be hard-pressed to find anything truly substantial to gripe about, whether it be this novel in particular or the series as a whole. Admittedly, this book isn't my favorite in the bunch, but I still enjoyed myself and read this from start to finish in one sitting. These two main characters needed to learn a lesson or two, and in the end, having them work for their relationship made their journey to a happily-ever-after worth whatever heartache they experienced. Ah, the Parkers are a family with stories to tell and each story is totally worth perusing! Four stars go to Tempting Love. ♥


Read my reviews for the Cowboys & Angels series:

Love Lost (book one) - 4.5 stars - My Review

Love Profound (book two) - 4.5 stars - My Review

Tempting Love (book three) - four stars - My Review (posted above)


Date Read: 03 February 2018

Learn more about Kelly Elliott.

Purchase Tempting Love on Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


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