Review: Living Out Loud by Staci Hart (Austen #3)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review.

Inspired by Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility and the third in Staci Hart's Austen series, Living Out Loud is a love story about a young woman who's faced heartbreaking adversity and vows to live each day to the fullest. Annie Daschle heads to New York, bringing with her a list that she lives by, and she works her way through each item, enjoying every single moment, treating them as events and milestones, relishing in the memories she makes. From visiting different places to diving into new experiences, Annie embraces each thing that she check off her list. Even getting a job at Wasted Words has been ticked off. The one thing that wasn't on her list though was meeting someone like Greg Brandon, the charming bartender at Wasted Words. There's a connection there, but while Greg seems all be ready to explore it, Annie is hesitant, insisting that they remain friends and friends only. And then something happens to shake things up, leading Annie to come to the realization that there are things she can never plan for. They that the heart wants what it wants, and Annie's heart? It wants Greg...for as long as it can keep him.

I loved Annie and Greg, their love story eliciting quite a few feels from me. Annie was the epitome of a woman who had dreams and she wouldn't let anything or anyone stop her from making each one come true. Then there was Greg, and goodness me, but the man was such a sweetheart who also happened to be exactly who Annie needed even though she didn't know right then and there. These were two main characters that you want to cheer on as individuals and as a couple, and their heartwarming story left me rather satisfied. As a side note, I had no idea that Wasted Words and Thousand Letters were part of a series of standalones entitled Austen. I only learned they were through a quick check on Goodreads for the Living Out Loud blurb. Each book can be read independently of the others, but because there are recurring characters and because the Wasted Words bar plays an important part in both Annie's and Greg's lives, I'm going to recommend you, at the very least, read the first Austen book before reading Living Out Loud. However you decide to read, I hope you enjoy Living Out Loud as much as I did. Five stars. ♥

Date Read: 08 February 2018

Learn more about Staci Hart.

Purchase Living Out Loud on Amazon.


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