Review: Forget Me Not by Brooke Blaine (Unforgettable #1)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Is it possible to both want to give an author a hug for a killer book hangover and to shake her senseless for a killer cliffhanger? Because that's exactly what I wanted to do to Brooke Blaine, heartstring-tugger (yeah, I totally made that word up...dibs on copyright!) that she is. Oh, I knew going into Forget Me Not that it was going to end in a cliffy. After all, experience has taught me that book duets like Blaine's Unforgettable have the first book with a cliffhanger ending. I even had a feeling how it would unravel, and paranoid conspiracy theorist that I am was right.

And yet, here I am, days after having read an advanced reader copy, still hungover on everything Oliver McFadden and Reid Valentine, and counting the days until I have the second novel, Remember When, in my bookaholic hands. So yeah, I love Brooke Blaine, and I'd really love to go sit outside her front stoop, drumming my fingers and tapping my feet while waiting for book two. Stalker much? But see, this is her fault! I'm all emotionally invested in Ollie and Reid and I NEED to know what happens next! Sigh. It's just a couple of weeks. I can do this. Seriously, I can. Maybe.

You must be wondering why I'm so hung up on this book. Well, you'd be too if you had an inkling of how intense Ollie and Reid's story is. I can't give a whole lot of details other than Ollie's and Reid's paths crossed on a regular basis at a place called Joe's Grab 'n Go, but on the day that Ollie finally has the courage to start a conversation with the guy he'd been crushing on, everything changes. All it took was one moment--one life-altering moment--to set their lives on an unexpected course, the most unexpected part being that they were actually traveling it together.

I've read the author's L.A. Liaisons rom-com series, which is how I was introduced to her writing and what got me hooked. I've read her South Haven series starter, nearly all of her co-written work with Ella Frank, and I've got the two of her unread titles already on my Kindle ready to be devoured. But as much as I love an author's writing in the past, I often go into their newest work with a hint of trepidation. Expectations, naturally, are higher. In Blaine's case, I had EXPECTATIONS, and you know what? They were abso-frickin'-lutely met. Five stars go to Forget Me Not. ♥

Release Date: 12 February 2018 11 February 2018 (early release)

Date Read: 05 February 2018

Learn more about Brooke Blaine.

Purchase Forget Me Not on Amazon.


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