Review: Deliver by Pam Godwin (Deliver #1)

"You're going to hell." 
"Oh, good. I was worried you'd be there without me."

What in the ever-living-fuck did I just read, and what the hell took me this long to read it?! Not only has Deliver bee on my to-be-read list since word of it's would-be release got out in late 2013, I've had the actual book in my Amazon account for a long-ass time. I seriously have no excuses other than time got away from me and I had loads of books that I had to read and review and... damn it. I just feel embarrassed that it's been nearly four and a half years since I first heard of this title and I've only gotten to read it this month. I'd ask Pam Godwin to punish me, but I'm kind of fearful what kind of punishment she may have in mind. You'll get what I mean if you've read her books. But here I am, making up for lost time, immersing myself in all things Deliver, ensnared by four ingenious novels. 

Deliver is the first in Godwin's dark romance series of the same name, and when I say dark, you're going to need a flashlight. However, do not doubt that there's romance in this one, but it's Godwinesque (totally made that word up but it seems fitting, no?) in nature. We've got ourselves twenty-one-year-old college student and star football quarterback Joshua Carter. He's pure and innocent--a rarity if we're being honest here--and he's exactly who the Deliverer has set her sights upon. Once she's taken him, she's going to break every single one of his defenses down, creating in the process the kind of sexual slave who will relish his servitude. She's the best at what she does, but twenty-four-year-old Liv Reed has met her match in her latest boy and the battle of wills will leave no survivors.

I refuse to say anything more in terms of the story itself, and this is going to be a familiar refrain going forward when it comes to my reviews for this series. If you've formed an opinion of what kind of people Josh and Liv are, my advice to you would be to set those opinions aside and go into this book without any predetermined notions. Trust me, it'll make for a wholly freeing and far more engaging reading experience. Josh and Liv are a couple of main characters unlike any other I've come across in decades of reading fiction. They may have both been pulled from their previous lives, but their coming together offers up a freedom from everything that once left them imprisoned in more ways than one. Rest assured, this does have a happily-ever-after. Five-plus stars go to Deliver. ♥

Date Read: 04 February 2018

Learn more about Pam Godwin.

Download Deliver for free on Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


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