Review: The Baby Maker by Lili Valente

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Give Me Books Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

The Baby Maker is only my third Lili Valente read--not counting her co-written effort with Lauren Blakely--but this one's my favorite read so far. This was a fun and lighthearted read, with just a hint of angst thrown in to give the reader's emotions a stir or two. Her writing here feels far more effortless compared to the two other books that I perused last year. This was an honest-to-goodness nicely executed contemporary romance that had my heart a-flutter and the smile on my face lasting longer than a couple of seconds. Better yet, it looks to be a series starter!

Just a few months shy of her thirty-fifth birthday, Emma Haverford's dream of expanding her vineyard have taken a backseat to a more pressing one--that of having a baby. But she fears that she'll experience disappointment if she takes a more clinical route. When she hears of the reputation her neighbor's family has with regards to their super sperm, Emma takes it a sign. Maybe she could hit up thirty-one-year-old Dylan Hunter to help her get pregnant in exchange for not going after the same land he has eye on, but convincing him could require a bit of imagination...

At thirty-one, Dylan Hunter isn't looking to tie himself down with a wife and children, especially given the fact that generations of Hunter men seem to get women pregnant at the drop of a hat. When Emma asks him to do exactly that, Dylan fully intends to gently refuse her, but that was before he put his lips and hands on her. She promises to not saddle him with any parental responsibility. It would be sex and friendship, and while it sounds plausible on paper, the more time Dylan spends with Emma, the more he wants to be someone who isn't just her baby maker.

Emma and Dylan were an adorable couple to get to know. As unconventional as the start was to their relationship--going from somewhat enemies to partners in a pregnancy plan--these two had a sweet AND steamy story to share. Aside from their romance, we also meet two of Dylan's three brothers, and with one brother's story ready to be told in late April, I've got my fingers crossed that this is indeed going to be a series (of standalones), which may mean we've got two more in the offing (toes are crossed now too). I'm giving The Baby Maker five out of five stars. ♥

Release Date: 05 February 2018

Date Read: 05 February 2018

Learn more about Lili Valente.

Purchase The Baby Maker on Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


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