Book Spotlight: What the Valley Knows by Heather Christie

What the Valley Knows
by Heather Christie
Date Released: January 25, 2018

About What the Valley Knows
Millington Valley is a quintessential small Pennsylvania town: families go back generations. Football rules. Kids drink while adults look the other way. High school is a whirlwind of aspiration and rivalry, friendship and jealousy.

When smart and pretty Molly Hanover moves to town and attracts the attention of the football team’s hero, Wade Thornton—a nice guy with a bad drinking habit—longtime friendships are threatened and a popular cheerleader tries to turn the school against Molly.

The young couple’s future is shattered when Wade, drunk, wrecks his truck and Molly is thrown through the windshield. She wakes from a coma to find her beauty marred and her memory full of holes. As she struggles to heal, she becomes sure that something terrible happened before the accident. And there is somebody in the valley who doesn’t want her to remember.

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An Excerpt from What the Valley Knows

Molly Hanover lifted her chin. The pain was so sharp her head slammed down onto the muddy gravel. Her teeth gashed her tongue and the copper taste of blood filled her mouth. She closed her eyes and the thump of her heartbeat pounded in her ears.

This wasn’t happening. She had to get up and find him. She needed to tell him something—something important. And her mother. She had decided she would tell her mother, too. They would help her.

At the edge of the field where she had fallen, a few unharvested corn stalks jutted skyward. Late autumn grass sprouted in the weedy undergrowth. She lay splayed facedown, her arm twisted behind her back, raw pain searing through her right shoulder.

Where was he?

Again, she tried to raise her head and tiny spurts of light exploded against the darkness. Chilly rain stung her cheek and blurred her vision. Her hair, matted with bits of glass, dirt, and blood, stuck to her neck.

“Help,” she whispered.

It was hard to concentrate, but she listened carefully and heard the soft ping of rain hitting her nylon jacket.

Stay awake, she warned herself.

Don’t sleep.

She rolled and saw the wet road sparkle in a vehicle’s headlights.

Maybe it was a bad dream. But the pain, the pain was real. Hot blood burned through the cut in her cheek.

Her mind raced. The sharp edge of panic pierced her memory. There was a secret, a thing unspeakable.

But it was gone.

Whatever she wanted to tell them had vanished. Then her world went black.

About Heather Christie
Heather Christie grew up in rural Pennsylvania and, at age seventeen, took off for New York City in hopes of becoming a movie star. Flash forward several decades, a couple degrees, a bunch of cats, two kids and one husband later, she's back in Pennsylvania writing her heart out and chasing dreams again. She loves to read, run, drink tea, and make Sunday dinner. Follow her blog at and say “hello” on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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