Book Spotlight: My Life as a Pop Album by LJ Evans

My Life as a Pop Album
(My Life as an Album #2)
by LJ Evans
Date Released: January 30, 2018

About My Life as a Pop Album
Good Girl Mia feels guilty for her brother's death. It was her kidney that killed him after all...

Four years later, Mia Phillips is back home after college and trying to pretend that she's got it all together. She’s set to take over the family car dealership, and is determined to never make her mama cry again, but she’s also running from guilt and a boy who never loved her.

Derek Waters has just signed with a record label and is determined to spend his summer touring with his band, and as far away from his alcoholic dad and the whole L.A. scene. Dealing with anyone of the female persuasion is the last thing on his mind.

But then the sexy musician walks into Mia’s dealership, and they both find themselves throwing their best laid plans aside. And Mia finds herself wondering how she’ll survive the guilt of touring with this tattooed rocker in her dead brother’s Camaro. What will become of Good Girl Mia when Derek is done with her?

Read my five-starred review of My Life a Pop Album.

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An Excerpt from My Life a Pop Album
“How many guys have you slept with, Little Bird?”

He was avoiding talk about the tattoos, but I let it go unsure if I could take what he had to say with my own wounds barely scabbed over most days.

And hadn’t I known that particular question was going to come out of his lack of privacy loving lips as soon as he started talking erotica and oral sex with me the day before? And yet, I wasn’t sure I could answer him. Embarrassed. Not embarrassed. I didn’t know what to feel.

“Do you mean like we’ve been sleeping together or do you mean had sex with?”

“That’s your question number ten,” he grinned at me, and I eye-rolled him which earned me a quick kiss. “And you know what I mean,” he told me. “Full on naked, body part inside body part sex.”

I couldn’t help the blush, and I put my fingers up like I was counting to give myself time. Like it was hard to think about the right number. I could see his eyes get dark and stormy over the tips of my fingers like he wasn’t happy. Finally, I showed him one finger. He looked down at it for a second before realization kicked in. And he reached over and bit my finger, keeping it in his mouth and turning my whole body to a quivering mush pot.

“You are going to be the death of me,” he said, like he had so many times already. But he said it with a huge smile.

Then he kissed me again. Hard, demanding, like he wasn’t going to stop ever. And I kissed him back. Hard, demanding, like I’d always wanted to kiss a boy. With feelings blossoming deep inside me as the walls crumbled and Good Girl Mia hid behind the curtains.

About LJ Evans
LJ Evans lives in California’s Central Valley with her husband, daughter, and the three terrors called cats. She's been writing as a compulsion since she was a little girl. When she's not spending her days huddled around a group of 1st graders in a local public school, she can be found binge reading just about anything or binge watching original shows like The Crown, Stranger Things, and Downton Abbey. She is the author of several completed screenplays that have gone to the quarter and semi-finals of contests such as The BlueCat Screenplay Competition, The International Screen Writing Awards, and the Writer’s Network Screenplay & Fiction Competition. 

Connect with LJ


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